
Luck of the Irish Shines Down on Mount Holly

This young lady evidently received the shamrock memo.

This young lady evidently received the shamrock memo.

Hard to believe it was the same place. In Mount Holly on Saturday, St. Patrick’s Day parade-goers were happily waltzing up and down High Street in shorts and T-shirts—with the salt and cinders from the preceding Monday’s big snowstorm still fresh on the road.

Talk about the luck of the Irish.

Here and there, patches up snow persisted in some of the shadier places, but otherwise it was officially spring in Mount Holly. It might have been the best day they’ve ever had—a perfect day for taking in the pipers, Irish dancers and paddy rock bands on floats as they made their way down through the center of town.

It might also have been the best crowd we’ve seen in the five years of the parade, too, and they were decked out in their finest St. Patrick’s Day regalia—but you can see for yourself. We took lots of pictures.

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