
Conshy Grand Marshal Has a Strong Record of Service

Reine "Rae" Marie DiSpaldo.

Reine "Rae" Marie DiSpaldo.

By Pete Hand

Reine “Rae” Marie DiSpaldo has been selected as the Grand Marshal of the Montgomery County St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The parade will be held on March 14, 2009. in Conshohocken and is hosted by the Montgomery County Saint Patrick’s Parade, Inc. This organization is made up of the members of the AOH, LAOH and friends of the Notre Dame Divisions of Montgomery County.

Rae was born February 7, 1948, in Norristown to Howard and Rita Johnson, who are members of the A.O.H. and L.A.O.H. Notre Dame Division. Their Irish ancestry can be traced back to the counties of Mayo, Tyrone, Donegal, and Brandon Bay in Ireland. As a family, the Johnsons have supported and promoted the mission of the Hibernians and have been a consistent presence in the Irish community.

Rae attended St. Patrick’s elementary school and graduated in 1965 from Bishop Kenrick High School in Norristown. Rae is a devoted wife, mother and grandmother. She and her husband John have three children: her oldest son Joseph, his wife Gladys, daughter Leah, her husband Greg and son Gabriel and her youngest, Jake. For the past 21 years, Rae has worked as an administrative assistant at Women’s Health Care Specialists in King of Prussia. Through her involvement with her parish and school community, Rae epitomizes the Christian spirit and demonstrates to her children the importance of service to others. She continues to participate in community services through the Delaware Valley Reading Association by reading to children at affairs sponsored by the Elmwood Park Zoological Society.

Since 1992, Rae has been an active member of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians and has worked hard to enhance the organization and expand its mission beyond Montgomery County. She has held every position on the board, and set a new precedent for both the LAOH and AOH Notre Dame Division when she became the first member to hold an elected position at the state level. But, perhaps most admirable is the work she did as county president. In her term, Rae reorganized the county division, re-energized its members, encouraged and solicited more member involvement and helped to promote the implementation of two new county divisions.

She continues to work hard on behalf of events sponsored by the AOH and LAOH, such as the Irish Festival, Veterans’ Day Ceremony and Home Association gatherings. Whenever called on to be of service, whether it is serving, setting up, lecturing, or promoting, Rae answers the call. She is an original member of the Parade Committee, where she currently serves as secretary. Each year she organizes the Grand Marshal’s Ball and celebrates with those honored with the Marshal title by putting forth the extra effort to make each Marshal feel special.

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