
We’re no longer accepting paid advertising. Too much bother for far too little return.

On the other hand, we are accepting unpaid ads from local organizations, and in-kind ads from people who help us out in some way.

We’ve also gotten rid of our big 728×90 banner at the top.

Which leaves us with two ad sizes:

  • The larger right-side ad is 250×250 pixels.
  • The slightly smaller right-side ad (two blocks, one on top of the other) is 180×150 pixels.

All of these are standard Internet Advertising Bureau sizes.

We rotate up to eight ads in each spot.

Again, we’re not charging. But we’re going to be a bit picky about who gets space. We want to support local Irish organizations and, under certain circumstances, we can accept unpaid ads as, for example, in-kind contributions to the Irish Philly cause.

We’re non-profit not in any formal sense, but in the sense that we are determined not to make any money. That’s our business model.

If you’d like to advertise, please contact us.


  • Marybeth C. Phillips July 13, 2011 at 10:47 am

    We’d like to advertise the home we are buying in Ireland (in progress now) as a vacation rental. Should we start first with your banner people? We’d like to feature at least one good photo. Thanks!

  • Thom O'Neil February 7, 2012 at 3:55 pm

    Hey folks—wasn’t sure how to spread the word that Dervish is coming all the way from Sligo, Ireland to come to Carlisle Theatre on March 9th. Any ideas how to spread the word?

  • Jeff February 7, 2012 at 4:18 pm

    Hi, Thom:

    You can add it to our calendar for free:

    If you’re interested in a higher level of visibility, you may consider purchasing an ad.

    • margaret johnson May 3, 2013 at 7:40 am

      Dear Jeff:

      I’ve been trying to reach you and/or Denise about a new cookbook I’m writing but can’t find your email. Would you like to write a blurb for it? It’s a follow-up to Flavors of Ireland (you interviewed me about that book) titled Christmas Flavors of Ireland.

      Please let me know as soon as possible and I’ll send you the draft pdf.

      Thanks. Margaret Johnson

  • seth September 3, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    Dear webmaster, I want to advertise on your website,
    post article, place links at page, are ok
    we need a long-term partnet. ,
    If we could, please, contact with me thanks!

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