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St. Malachy Church


Another Year of Joyful Noise

Athena Tergis and Billy McComiskey

Athena Tergis and Billy McComiskey

No one can recall quite when Mick Moloney started playing his annual benefit for St. Malachy School, the most recent of which was held a couple of Sundays ago in the church on North 11th Street.

The parish’s retired pastor Father John McNamee figures it’s at least 22 years since he bumped into Moloney at a presentation on ethnic music at the Balsch Institute. The two struck up an immediate friendship, and Moloney soon suggested a fund-raiser for the little school a few blocks from Temple University in North Philadelphia.

Since then, Moloney’s annual gathering of musical friends has become, McNamee says, “the longest and most successful benefit we have all year” for a school the American Ireland Fund has called “a preeminent symbol of ecumenism and outreach to poor and disadvantaged youth and their families.”

Without this concert and other fund-raisers, Father Mac told his audience, “We’d have closed down 15 years ago.” And he added: “I can’t imagine this neighborhood without this school.”

Neither can we.

Thanks to Moloney and a few of his fellow musicians—Athena Tergis, Brendan Dolan, Billy McComiskey, Brendan Callahan and Caitlin Finley—we won’t have to.

Here are a few photographic remembrances of the day.


Joyful Noise

Fiddlers Dana Lyn and Athena Tergis share post-show refreshments with Tergis's daughter Vivienne.

Fiddlers Dana Lyn and Athena Tergis share post-show refreshments with Tergis's daughter Vivienne.

Mick Moloney couldn’t recall precisely how many years he and his musical friends have staged their annual benefit for St. Malachy School in North Philadelphia. It really seems like forever. It’s well over 20 years, anyway.

And yet, at the same time, nothing about Moloney’s music ever feels old. If anything, this year’s concert—under the watchful eye of pastor John McNamee, assorted angels and a small gathering of saints—sounded as fresh, full of energy and divinely inspired as ever.

How could it not? First, you have Moloney—himself a one-man band and a living, breathing repository of Irish music, history and culture. Accompanying Moloney this year as special guests were the durable veterans Robbie O’Connell and Jimmy Crowley. Representing the younger generation were fiddlers Dana Lynn, Athena Tergis and Philly’s own Brendan Callaghan. (And a little later on, representing the even younger generation, were locals Caitlin Finley on fiddle, Emma Hinesly on flute and Jeremy Bingaman on bouzouki.)

The church was very nearly filled with Irish music fans, parishioners and the very supportive neighbors of this church community south of Temple’s main campus, which has been described as “Philadelphia’s island of grace.”

(And with the shooting death of Philadelphia Police Officer Charles Casidy still fresh in everyone’s mind, the neighborhood can use all the grace it can get.)

“Father Mac,” who has served as St. Malachy’s pastor since 1984, thanked audience members for their goodwill offering—and it’s certainly going to come in handy. “We have 216 children in our school,” he said from the altar, just before volunteers started to take up the collection. “Only 20 of them are Catholic. Our tuition is $1,600, which is considerably less—about $500 less—than the average Catholic elementary school tuition. You help us to cover the difference between what it costs us to provide the education and what it costs the parents.”

For their goodwill offering, the audience received plenty in return. Moloney and company, lined up in front of the marble altar and surrounded by pumpkins and fall flowers, served up one great old song after another, including “McNally’s Row of Flats,” from Moloney’s 2006 CD of the same name, and endless jigs and reels. Indeed, the night concluded with “a blast of reels,” with all the musicians crowding onto the stage. The hall echoed with whoops, clapping hands and stomping feet.

If you missed it, no worries. We have photos and video.


Fighting Irish 5K Off and Running on St. Patrick’s Day

Editor’s note: The 5K was postponed due to inclement weather.

It’s a testimony to the hardiness of runners that on the bitterest of March mornings last year—a day so blustery and cold that no one but a runner would set foot outdoors, and certainly not in shorts—they gathered by the hundreds to race in the 4th Annual Fighting Irish 5K in Chestnut Hill.

It is a testimony as well to talents of Frank McGuire and fellow members and friends of the University of Notre Dame Alumni Club of Philadelphia that, on that day, the race raised the most money in its brief history. The beneficiary of that $30,000 check? St. Malachy’s Parish School in North Philadelphia. Since the race’s inception, the club has raised close to $90,000 for the school.

The race is on again, this time on St. Patrick’s Day—Saturday, March 17. Eight hundred runners and a hundred walkers pounded the streets of Chestnut Hill last year. The club is hoping it can do even better, both in number of participants and funds for St. Malachy’s.

“The race just keeps on growing,” says McGuire, a 1980 graduate (marketing) of the University of Notre Dame. Considering the level of organization that goes into the event, perhaps that’s not surprising. McGuire and his volunteers start planning in September. “The last two weeks before the race, it becomes something like a full-time job.”

Runners have a chance at the usual competitive laurels, and that’s fine. But race organizers go out of their way to sweeten the pot. This year, participants are automatically entered in a drawing for two free golf vacation packages in Ireland, courtesy of McGuire’s brother-in-law Eamonn Kennelly, owner of Golf Vacations Ireland. There’s also a bit of entertainment, with music provided by a band of pipers.

The race was the brainchild of McGuire, a runner himself. “I’ve been running about 15 years,” he says. “It just started as a way of working out. Soon I was running 5Ks and 10Ks. I went through a period where I ran in 15 marathons. I’ve done Boston five times.”

As for the beneficiary, St. Malachy’s became the choice early on. “At the time, I was the chair of community service for the club. I was looking for a sizeable project for us to do,” he says. “We thought about St. Malachy’s because it’s a grade school and parish that doesn’t take money from the (Philadelphia Catholic) archdiocese. They survive on donations alone.”

For Maguire, there could hardly be a more worthy recipient. “There are about 210 kids who go to the school,” he says. “Only 15 of them are Catholic. It’s an oasis in a troubled neighborhood.”

If you want to run (or set a more leisurely pace in the 1K walk) and help a worthy cause, the race starts at 9 a.m. on West Willow Grove Avenue in Chestnut Hill, in front of Chestnut Hill Academy. Registration begins at 7:45. Pre-registered runners and walkers can pick up their race packets on race day or on Friday, March 16, from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Chestnut Hill Hotel, 8229 Germantown Ave. in Chestnut Hill. The registration fee is $18 (for pre-race registration postmarked by March 7), and $25 on the day of the race.

For more details, visit the race Web site.

Volunteers also are needed.