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A Treat of a Halloween Party Does the Trick

Father John and his fellow merry-makers.

Father John and his fellow merry-makers.

My Samhain party at the Philadelphia Irish Center began with a weird proposition. A very creepy “Father John” offered to hear my confession.

I respectfully declined. Maybe it had to do with the fact that Father’s face was clear and didn’t move. Eek.

Samhain (SOW-en) is an ancient Gaelic festival that led indirectly to Halloween. So the Samhain Rambling House party was mostly an excuse for some people to dress up—everything from a Goth witch to a Cleopatra to a little Debbie Reynolds-esque sailor girl. (And let’s not forget Father John. We can’t.) For others it was a reason to dance to the music of Fintan Malone and Bob McHugh, who had their own Halloween gremlins to cope with in the form of an uncooperative sound system.

For most of us, though, it was a great excuse to get together around the bar, swap gossip and laugh too much.

Whatever … what a swell party it was!

We have photos.