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AOH Comes to the Aid of a Friend in Need

Andy Redmond

Andy Redmond

Andy Redmond has been there for the Ancient Order of Hibernians and other Irish causes when they needed him. Now the Irish community is returning the favor.

Redmond, who has been fighting prostate cancer for several years, is a member of the Philly-area Irish band Na’Bodach. A painter by trade, Redmond has been unable to work due to his illness, so the Monsignor Crean Division of the AOH is hosting a beef-and-beer bash to help him deal with mounting financial challenges.

Patrick Jockel, president of the Crean division, first came to know Redmond four years ago. Jockel runs the annual Smithville (N.J.) Irish Festival. “His was actually the second band we booked for the festival,” says Jockel. “We became friends afer that. He’s just one of those good souls. He doesn’t put on airs. He’s very intelligent, very funny. He’s just a good guy to know.”

Aside from friendship, hiring Na’Bodach also turned out to have been a wise business decision.

“They’re our headliners. The festival used to stop when his band played. The audience would just stand in front of them and watch them play. Bad for beer sales, but good for everybody else.”

Because of Redmond’s illness, the band was unable to play last October.

Over the years, Redmond and his bandmates have lent their services to many worthy causes, including local AOH fund-raisers. In fact, Redmond has proved to be one of the best friends the Irish Catholic fraternal organization has, Jockel says, even though Redmond himself is not Catholic.

Jockel is also a New Jersey state board member of the AOH, and he brought Redmond’s situation to the attention of Sean Pender, the state president. “As soon as I said ‘Andy has a problem,’ the first thing Sean said is, “We gotta do something for this guy.”

That something is a big benefit Saturday, January 14, starting at 7:30 p.m. at Monsignor Crean AOH Hall, 2419 Kuser Road, Hamilton, N.J. Tickets are $30, available at the door. Entertainment is by the Bogside Rogues, who are donating their time and talent.

There’ll be plenty of good grub, including roast beef, french fries and salad, draft beer and wine, and coffee and soda. You can also aid the cause in other ways, including a 50/50 and a raffle of a basket of cheer. There will also be a drawing for a guitar signed by Redmond’s band.

For more information, contact:

  • Patrick Jockel at
  • Sean Pender at