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Mid-Winter Scottish and Irish Festival

Dance, Food & Drink, Music

2014 Mid-Winter Scottish & Irish Festival

Our pal Jamesie Johnston of Albannach

Our pal Jamesie Johnston of Albannach

Every year we say it was the best yet. Even that year when wind storms knocked out the lights, and the bands played on in the darkness. Actually, that was pretty cool.

But, OK, we’re going to say it again: This year’s Mid-Winter Scottish & Irish Festival out at the Valley Forge Casino and Resort was the best yet.

Large crowds flocked to the festival over the weekend.

If you were in the mood for tunes to make you forget all the snow and ice, you were in luck. Most of our favorite bands were there. We don’t want to accidentally leave anyone out, so we’ll leave it to you to peruse our huge photo essay. We guarantee you’ll see a lot of familiar faces there.

We renewed our acquaintance with John the Scottish Juggler, who’s always on hand to keep the kids entertained. The adults love him, too. The Washington Memorial Pipe Band stepped out from time to time, and they never fail to impress. The Campbell School Highland Dancers were there, and our Irish dance friend Rosemarie Timoney led ceili dancing.

We cruised the vendor area, and found one or two things we’d never seen before. And a thing or two we wish we had never seen at all. Extra Special Haggis Sauce comes to mind.

The air was filled with the aroma of cooking oil—which can only mean one thing: fish and chips. To be accompanied, of course, by bracing brews from those cold islands—and a wee bit of whiskey, perhaps.

And if you happened to be sporting a kilt, a sword—or even a pirate hat—no one would give you a second glance. What more could you ask?

So if you didn’t brave the wind and the snow this past weekend, pull up a chair and let our photos warm the cockles of your hearts.

Whatever cockles are.

Music, News

2013 Scottish Irish Festival in Valley Forge

Gráinne Diver of The Screaming Orphans

Gráinne Diver of The Screaming Orphans

Upstairs at the Valley Forge Casino Resort, guests tried to beat the odds at slots and table games… and good luck with that.

Downstairs in the convention hall, the Mid-Winter Scottish and Irish Festival was a sure winner.

The 2013 edition of the annual Celtic get-together looked to be one of the best attended we’ve seen. There was much to attract visitors, with non-stop music from the likes of the Screaming Orphans (fabulous), the tribal pipe-and-drum craziness that is Albannach, Timlin and Kane, and Brother. The vendors did brisk business in jewelry, Highland attire, and canned Haggis. And the Highland Creamery ice cream stand had long lines of hungry festival-goers lining up for a dish of Bailey’s and brown bread ice cream.

We have tons of photos from the weekend. Check out our slideshow, above.

… and also one cute little video featuring our own Haley Richardson sitting in with the John Whelan Band.

Dance, Music, News

2012 Mid-Winter Scottish & Irish Festival

Neil Anderson of Rathkeltair

Neil Anderson of Rathkeltair

No high winds, no snow, no ice … late March proved to be a bright, sunny way to celebrate Scottish and Irish heritage. (The festival has been held in February in past years.) The bands played, the dancers danced, the vendors vended.

And of course, there was plenty of Celtic-tinged food and drink for all. (We love the MacDougall Irish Victory Cakes.)

Festival-goers also experienced an entirely new, lighter and brighter layout at the Scanticon Conference Center in Valley Forge, soon to be the Valley Forge Convention Center Casino.

All told, a great way to close out St. Patrick’s month.

We dropped by on Sunday and put together a packed little photo essay. Hope it gives you a feeling for the weekend.