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Michael Bradley


Michael Bradley: Moving to the Front of the Parade

The saying goes, if you want something done, give it to the busiest person you know.

Within the Irish community, one of the busiest people—if not the busiest—is longtime Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day parade director Michael J. Bradley, Jr. Bradley has directed the parade since 2002, a time of incredible growth and no small amount of tightly scripted organization, largely dictated by the needs of the television stations that have broadcast the parade.

His son, Colin, is directing the parade this year, but Bradley remains a diligent behind-the-scenes player.

As if coordinating the parade was not enough, Bradley oversees M.J. Bradley Company, Inc., a firm founded by his father Mickey and mother Bernadette, that installs epoxy flooring in venues from research and educational institutions all the way up to stadiums. For most people, that would be plenty. A first-generation student of Penn State—class of 1978—he remains deeply involved in his alma mater, having served on Penn State Brandywine’s advisory board for well about 30 years. You’d be hard-pressed to find a more devoted Nittany Lion than Michael Bradley. (Almost 20 family members, from his sons to nephews and nieces, are or have been Penn State students.)

He also has assumed a leadership position in efforts to keep open and improve the quality of Delaware County’s Catholic schools at a time when an archdiocesan blue ribbon panel was recommending the closure of over 40 parish schools, including five from Delco. He has also served on the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Executive Board of Elementary Education, along with the Cardinal O’Hara High School board.

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News, People

Being Cool to His Schools

Michael Bradley

Michael Bradley

As if he didn’t already have enough to do, Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day parade director Michael Bradley, Jr., is taking on a daunting new assignment. He is the chairman of a relatively new board that will oversee all 23 Catholic schools in Delaware County.

Bradley holds leadership positions in a number of organizations, including Penn State’s Board of Advisers. He also happens to be president of a family-owned flooring and wall protection company.

Busy or not, Bradley doesn’t mind a bit. In fact, he has been lobbying for a role in county schools ever since a Blue Ribbon Commission issued a report in January 2012 calling for some predictably unpopular choices. Faced with a 38 percent drop in enrollment and a staggering $6 million deficit, the commission ordered the closure of 45 of the Archdiocese’s 156 elementary schools and four of 17 high schools.

Twenty-four elementary schools appealed, and 18 earned a reprieve. All four high schools also were spared the chopping block thanks to millions of dollars in pledges and donations.

Nevertheless, parents and communities reacted with alarm, and no small degree of anger, to the commission’s findings.

“They were closing all of these schools,” he says. “The main thing I told them is, you can’t have one group in charge. I was badgering them about it enough so that they looked at it. I was not the only one, but I was at the forefront of the screaming. They agreed with me. They came up with a plan to name advisory boards to run the counties. People just want to be heard. Bringing it all down into more manageable units is better.”

In Bradley’s case, it was never a question of “be careful what you wish for.” A leadership role on the Delaware County advisory board was exactly what he wanted.

“It’s a challenge, and a really neat thing,” he says. “I find it rewarding to build things up from scratch—rather than complain about it, to come up with solutions. I love Catholic education. I live Catholic education. I enjoy the heck out of it because I enjoy the kids.”

Bradley says the immediate plan is to put the schools on more of a business footing, and to unite them in the quest for financial stability and higher enrollment. Stronger involvement on the part of the business community is also a key element.

“Every school has been left on its own. They weren’t sharing information. That’s crazy. It’s important to share, and give them direction on how to raise money. There’s government money out there for them. It’s available.”

Bradley harbors no illusions that every Delaware County school will survive. There are some tough decisions ahead. But for now—and probably long into the future, knowing Bradley—the advisory board is accenting the positive. Rather than talking about which school is going to close, he says, the focus now remains on how to keep them open.

It’s a tough job, but in the end, each school has to solve two problems. “They need money, and they need kids,” Bradley says. “That’s it. You solve those problems, and all the other problems solve themselves.”


2012 Philly St. Patrick’s Parade Takes Its First Steps

Michael Bradley with his battle plan

Michael Bradley with his battle plan

Many of us have only just dragged the Christmas tree out to the curb, but the folks who stage the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade are already focusing on March.

The Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Observance Association met Thursday at the Double Tree in Center City to lay out their plans for the 2012 edition of one of the city’s most colorful spectacles.

This year’s parade kicks off at noon on Sunday, March 11. It’s a later start than in previous years—an effort to make it easier for marchers to participate, says parade director Michael Bradley. The parade will still be televised—possibly on CBS3, but more likely on sister station, the CW Philly 57—from 1 to 4.

The start time of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Mass is also different: 9:30, a half-hour later than before. The Mass is celebrated at St. Patrick’s Church, off Rittenhouse Square.

It’s too early to know for sure how many groups will march this year, Bradley says, but about 200 is likely—from St. Patrick at the beginning to the Guinness truck at the end.

One other important change: the pre-parade luncheon is now a dinner. In previous years, parade officials and guests have attended a weekday ceremony at City Hall in late morning, followed by a luncheon at the Double Tree shortly afterward. For a lot of people, association president Kathy McGee Burns says, this was an inconvenience. “For many people, it was hard to come at midday and take a day off from work.” This year’s mayoral proclamation will take place at City Hall at 4 p.m., followed by a cocktail hour and dinner at the Double Tree.

As at the previous years’ luncheon, the grand marshal—this year it’s IBEW Local 98 Business Manager John J. Dougherty—will receive his sash, as will members of the Ring of Honor.

McGee Burns announced the 2012 Ring of Honor members:

  • Melissa Martin, Philadelphia Emerald Society 2011 Police Officer of the Year (she took part in the attempted rescue of a motorist whose car drove into the Schuylkill River)
  • Joseph T. Kelley, Jr., president of the Brehon Law Society (an association of Irish-American attorneys)
  • Gaelic football official Tom Higgins
  • William Watson, Ph.D., Immaculata University, historian and keeper of Duffy’s Cut (a stretch of tracks in Malvern where, in 1832, several dozen Irish rail workers died under suspicious circumstances)
  • Irish fund-raiser Tommy O’Leary
  • Well-known Irish musician and publican Gerry Timlin

A Message From Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade Director Michael Bradley

Michael Bradley

Parade director Michael Bradley in the booth with CBS3's Kathy Orr.

We started off parade season with a great fundraiser at AOH Division 39 in Tacony. Thanks to President Ed Dougherty, who provided us hospitality at their club. The event was chaired by Joe Fox, the president of the AOH Philadelphia County Board, and Kathy Fanning, the president of the LAOH Philadelphia County Board. Music was by Frank Daly’s great band Jameson; dancers were from Chrissy Zeo Harbison’s fantastic Celtic Flame School of Irish Dance. Everyone danced, sang and had a great time while raising
money for the parade.

The next major event was a fundraiser with another great night at 2nd Street Irish Society in South Philly. Thanks to President Michael Remshard who provided us a great night at their club. The event was chaired by our newest board member John Stevenson, the founder of 2nd Street Irish Society. Music was by John McGillian’s band 5 Quid and the dancers were from Jeannine McGuire’s 2nd Street Irish Society Step Dancers. Speeches were given and I made mention of 2nd St Irish Society’s 15th anniversary and that their club has a whole wall with awards won at the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day parade. After what I saw at the parade, you are going to fill up more walls! Again, our goal was to mingle with our hosts and guests in a relaxed atmosphere and have a good
time while raising money for the parade.

We had a VIP Reception for our major sponsors, which was held in the Grand Lobby at CBS3 and is the highlight of the social calendar. Grand Marshal Sister James Anne Feerick IHM was introduced, gave a heartfelt speech and even danced for us. Kathy
McGee Burns introduced the Ring of Honor: Sr. Kathleen Brabson, S.S.J., Bernadette Browne, Honorable Pamela P. Dembe, Denise Foley, Liz Kerr, Eileen Lavin, Sister Christine McCann, R.S.M., and Honorable Kelly C. Wall.

We introduced the great CBS3 /CW Philly 57 team of Susan Barnett, Kathy Orr, Bob Kelly, Perry Casciato, Chris May, Jim Donovan, Dave Huddleston, Susan Schiller and Joanne Calabria. All mingled with guests and a fantastic time was had by all in attendance.

The highlight of the night was that we had the honor of presenting John Dougherty a plaque for all his years or support with the Irish community and specifically his support for the parade. There would be no parade of this magnitude without John Dougherty and
IBEW Local 98, so make sure you thank him when you see him. We also gave awards to major sponsors Sandy Muller and Marty Farrell from Muller Beverage. The music was provided by Karen Boyce McCollum, Brian Boyce and Luke Jardel and the dancers were from the McDade School of Irish Dance. The outstanding food was served by Cescaphe Caterers; I don’t think I have ever been to a wedding as elegant as this affair.

Our next fundraiser kicked of parade week on Sunday March 6 at Springfield Country Club where we had over 850 in attendance. Blackthorn provided their usual fantastic show. The dancers were from the McDade, Cara, and McHugh School of Irish Dance,
and ended with all of them performing together as one! CBS3 anchor Susan Barnett left her own son’s christening to be there! CBS3’s Bob Kelly is always there with us and a huge crowd favorite at Irish events. I invited the “The Man of a Thousand Voices” Joe
Conklin who had the crowd in stitches with his impersonations of Philly celebrities who were supposed to be at the fundraiser but couldn’t make it, notably Allen Iverson, Charlie Manuel, Cole Hammels and Andy Reid! We were joined by our Irish radio hosts Mike Concannon, Marianne McDonald, and Vince Gallagher. Special thanks to “professional volunteers” Linda Bradley, Carmel and Barney Boyce, Frances Duffy, Pat Donnelly, Tom Kearney, Kathy Metzger and especially Chris Phillips for organizing the Silent
Auction. We had an awesome time and I have already booked Springfield Country Club for Sunday March 4, 2012, for next year so save the date!

We started Thursday March 10 at City Hall for a wreath laying and tribute to the Irish patriots with the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. We then proceeded on to the magnificent Mayors Reception Room for the Governor’s and Mayor’s proclamation of March as “Irish
Month.” Kathy McGee Burns introduced our Grand Marshal Sister James Anne Feerick IHM and Ring of Honor, and the dancing was provided by Rose Marie Timoney and the Timoney School of Irish Dance. Hard to believe that Sister James Anne was never
Grand Marshal before, I guess it just goes to show you how many outstanding Irish and Irish Americans we are blessed to have in our region. Mayor Nutter and Councilman Bill Green spoke and we were joined by State Reps Brendan and Kevin Boyle as they
read proclamations.

Over at the Doubletree Hotel for the annual luncheon, Kathy McGee Burns sashed our Grand Marshal, Sister James Anne to a thundering applause. They also sashed our outstanding ring of Honor: Kathy Orr and Perry Casciato from CBS3 were in attendance and another great time was had by all in anticipation of our parade. 2010 Grand Marshal and a celebrity in his own right, Seamus Boyle, the national president of the AOH, was saluted. We were also graced by the presence of Sandy Muller from Muller Beverage, presents from Johnny Doc and local 98, and amazingly a perfect parade book with a photo of Sister James Anne on the cover. Everyone always just takes it for granted that these books show up on time and I want to acknowledge all the hard work on the parade book by Greg Skahan from Griffiths Printing and Pat Donnelly.

On Sunday March 13, the Mass was magnificent, organized by Len Armstrong and the committee. The Emerald Pipers led a procession up the aisle to start the Mass celebrated by Cardinal Rigali, Father Kevin Gallagher, Father Chris Walsh, and others too numerous to mention for fear of forgetting someone. The singing, always an Irish tradition and treat, was headlined by the St. James Alumni Choir, Soloist Karen Boyce McCollum, and National Anthem by Frank Gallagher. While the Mass was going on, George
Hollingsworth, who is retired from the City and whom I cannot do without, was in work clothes screwing down a dance floor at the performing area, while Joe Callan was helping me organize the performing area.

We had 187 groups and started the parade at 16th & JFK at 11:15 a.m. The bands were awesome, the dancers magnificent, the marchers inspiring, and the crowd never stopped cheering. Timmy Kelly started us off with his usual jaw-dropping, tear-wiping
rendition of Danny Boy, and Frank Gallagher chipped in with America the Beautiful, and the crowd’s enthusiasm never waned the whole four and one half hours. The 2011 Theme was: ST. PATRICK, BLESS OUR RELIGIOUS SISTERS WHO SERVE, INSPIRE AND EDUCATE.

We were led off this year by our friends from Philadelphia’s Finest, the Emerald Society Pipes and Drums. I cannot thank enough John McNesby, president of FOP Local 5, and Harry Marnie for their hospitality and help at FOP 5 after the parade. Special thanks to
Captain Tom Helker, without his help and support, we could never be successful.

I have to give a special hello and thank you to our sisters who marched this year. The Immaculate Heart of Mary Nuns and the Sisters of Mercy nuns made all of us proud and had a ball while doing so. Sisters, thank you and I hope to see you all next year!

Kathy Orr, Susan Barnett, and Bob Kelly did another outstanding job and were ably assisted by Father Kevin Gallagher and Karen Boyce McCollum. I was honored to be asked to go into the booth and do some commentating, but to tell you the truth, it was so
hot in there and I couldn’t sit still that long, my ADD was in high gear and I left after I lost interest in the booth, and not being on the street. So I have a brand new appreciation of our commentators and the preparation and work that they do! If you would like to
see the parade, go to and you can watch the entire parade, or it is on Comcast Video on Demand for free also.

My family joined up with Mike Driscoll’s Family and we rented a double-decker bus. We put the Philly Phanatic and the Penn State Nittany Lion up on top of the bus so all could see him and save him from being mobbed by the crowd. He was obviously a huge hit
and a great addition.

Our award winners and info on our awards party can be found on our Web site at We look forward to seeing all the winners, sponsors, marcher and friends at our awards party on Wednesday April 13, 2011, at
Finnigan’s Wake at 6 p.m., where we will also announce our Trip to Ireland Winner.

If you have any questions or require information, please visit our Web site. Come join the fun and get to know our board members and the CBS3 celebrities!

The next major Irish event that I am hosting is on Sunday, June 5. We will have the 13th Annual Irish Festival at Penn’s Landing with vendors, dancers, bands, entertainment and the Man and Woman of the year awards. Do not miss it, it is a great event!

Please go to the CBS3 Web site and tell them how much you appreciate their involvement in the Irish community. I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank the Denise Foley, a proud 2011 Ring of Honor member, and Jeff Meade for all their coverage and support not just this month, but 365 days of the year. Their photos are simply “THE BEST” I am proud to call them friends!

Special thanks go out to my wife Linda, and sons Mickey and Colin, for understanding all the time that I have been missing from their lives the last month, to president Kathy McGee Burns and 1st VP Bob Gessler, 2nd VP Chris Phillips, Secretary Mary Frances
Fogg, Treasurer Len Armstrong, all our Board Members, CBS3 President Jon Hitchcock and his staff, Mayor Nutter, Melanie Johnson, Jazelle Jones, George Hollingsworth, Joe Callan, our producer and friend Liz Naughton, and 2nd VP Chris Phillips, who ably handled all the chaos at 16th and JFK and Pat Donnelly for all her help, and to my good friend at CBS 3, without whom this parade wouldn’t make it one minute on TV, Perry Casciato. And a really big special get well quickly to Paul Phillips, I need you to get
well NOW, because I need someone to tell me how bad I screw things up now that Jim Kilgallen, Jack McNamee, & Tom Moffit are gone!

If you are reading this, and missing all this fun, why don’t you get a group to march? All you need is one key person and we’ll do the rest. Contact me at!

By the end of the parade we had over 20,000 marchers strong pass through. To the six groups who did not pass through before TV coverage ended, please accept our apologies, we will make it up to you next year or in some way through this year. The last group is
just as special as the first group to me! We certainly were blessed with great weather!

The title of parade director carries a tremendous responsibility that has been placed on me, but even though it is an unbelievable amount of work, all I can think about, is what an honor it is for me to serve and honor, you and your ancestors. I am very proud to
have that responsibility, and promise to do my best at all times, for everyone in the Irish community. Don’t forget, we have 26 members on our board and they all contribute in some way this fine parade! Make sure you thank them when you see them.

On behalf of the Saint Patrick’s Day Observance Association, thanks again for a wonderful display of religion, tradition, culture, friendship, and love for all things Irish!

In Honor of St Patrick,

Michael J. Bradley Jr.

Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade Director


Parade Fund-Raising Kicks into High Gear

Why is this man smiling?

Why is this man smiling? It's parade director Michael Bradley, and he's raising money for the parade and having fun at the same time!

You know that old saying about trying to stuff ten pounds of—well, stuff— into a five-pound bag?

That’s the situation the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Observance Association faces between now and parade day, Sunday, March 13. The association needs to raise $70,000 to $80,000 between now and then, and they’re squeezing the lion’s share of their fund-raising into that really, really small window.

Attending to the logistical details of the parade—which float goes where, which dance school goes before the TV cameras and when—is relatively easy, says parade director Michael Bradley. The hard part is raising the money necessary to run the parade in the first place.

The most recent big fund-raiser was held at Ancient Order of Hibernians Division 39 last Sunday. Now, there are two more big cash-collecting events in the offing. The first one will be held Saturday, February 26, from 8 ’til midnight, at the Second Street Irish Society. “That’s a new group helping us out this year, and we’re very appreciative,” says Bradley.

The next event—and always a big boost—is the Blackthorn concert at Springfield (Delco) Country Club on Sunday, March 6, from 3 to 7 p.m.

Between those two events and our ad book, that’s the bulk of our fund-raising,” he says.

All of that fund-raising is serious business, but it can be a great time, too.

“We’re going to have a lot of fun, no matter what we do,” Bradley says. “There’s nothing worse than going to an event and feeling like they’re just taking your money. I’m not going to be involved if its not fun. That has a lot to do with our success.”

(We’ve gone to the Blackthorn event, and it was standing room only. Trust us, no one was too overly caught up worrying about raising thousands of dollars. They were too busy partying.)

That’s just how the folks organizing the parade want it. Says Bradley: “Theres no parade without the people, and if you don’t make the fund-raisers special, nobody is going to come.”

One last detail: The ad book. If you have a business or organization (or maybe it’s just you or your family), you can help out by buying an ad in the parade ad book. For details, contact Michael Bradley at (610) 308-8994.

News, People

Bradley Accepts the Emerald Society’s Man of the Year Award

Michael Bradley Emerald Award

From left, Man of the Year Michael Bradley, Megan and Patsy McDonald, and Harry Marnie, president of the Philadelphia Emerald Society.

If he does nothing else in his life, Michael Bradley is always going to be known as the man who, in the midst of a budget crisis that threatened the future of the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade, simply refused to believe the old adage, “You can’t fight City Hall.”

Last March, the city was demanding that the parade committee foot a hefty bill for parade-related municipal expenses. Either that, or no parade. Bradley, who directs the popular televised event, earned quite a rep for himself when, in return, he offered the city what amounted to a Hobson’s choice: a peaceful parade or an organized riot.

The peaceful parade went on.

The Philadelphia Emerald Society took note of Bradley’s gutsy accomplishment—and many other lifetime achievements—by naming him 2010 Man of the Year.

Bradley has two demanding jobs: he’s president of a commercial flooring company and also a commercial real estate firm. He’s also well-known as a coach of soccer and several other sports. Bradley  also organizes the Penn’s Landing Irish Festival.

Bradley accepted his honor last week on the same night Police Sgt. Patrick McDonald and his father Larry McDonald, a retired city fire department captain, received the group’s police and firefighter awards. Patrick McDonald was shot and killed in the line of duty in September 2008; Larry McDonald, a retired fire department captain, died of a heart attack April 7, 2010, while riding his bike in Northeast Philadelphia.

The presence of the McDonald family was not lost on Bradley, who paid tribute to the fallen heroes.

“It’s an honor to be in the same room with the McDonald family,” he said. “I can’t say enough about those two men (Patrick and Larry McDonald) and how lucky I am to be here tonight. It’s something I’ll never forget.”

A proud Penn State grad, Bradley closes his e-mails with a quote from Joe Paterno: “Believe deep down in your heart  that you’re destined to do great things.” In the eyes of the Emerald Society, that’s just what he’s done.


Aon Sceal?

Michael Bradley, center, with Mayor Michael Nutter and Linda Bradley.

Michael Bradley, center, with Mayor Michael Nutter and Linda Bradley.

He’s Man of the Year Every Year

Philly’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade Director Michael Bradley has been named the Philadelphia Emerald Society’s Man of the Year for 2010.

Along with coordinating the parade and running the Irish Fest on Penns Landing in June, Bradley literally fought City Hall to keep the parade marching down the Parkway after the Nutter administration, faced with a serious budget shortfall, withdrew the city’s financial support of the parade, the second oldest in the US. A series of fundraisers helped pay some of the added bills and Bradley vowed that the parade would go on, no matter what. “It will either be a peaceful parade or an organized riot,” he joked before a meeting with Mayor Michael Nutter.

Also being honored at Philadelphia Police Sergeant Patrick McDonald, who was killed in the line of duty, and Philadelphia Fire Department Captain Larry McDonald, Patrick’s father, who died of a heart attack while riding his bike last spring. We interviewed Larry McDonald last St. Patrick’s Day at a fundraiser for a charity established in his son’s name.

The men will be honored at a banquet on October 22 at the Fraternal Order of Police Hall, 1336 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia. Tickets are $50 per person. Contact Harry Marnie at 215-298-9573, 302-736-6654, or for information or to purchase tickets or an ad in the program book.

From the “We Told You She Was Inspirational” Department

In May, Denise Sullivan Morrison, a division president at Campbell’s Soup in Camden, NJ, was honored as one of 11 “Inspirational Irish Women” at a ceremony at Philadelphia’s Irish Center.

When we interviewed Denise, who credited her dad with exposing her and her sisters to the business world at a time when for girls, “business” meant being in the steno pool, she said her goal was to become a CEO one day.

That day may be coming soon. Campbell’s CEO Douglas Conant, Morrison’s boss and mentor, announced this week that he’s stepping down and Morrison may be his successor. If you’d like to find out why this would be a good move, read what we wrote about Denise Sullivan Morrison in May 2010.

Brittany Basis, the 2006 Mary from Dungloe, in the St. Patrick's Day Parade.

Brittany Basis, the 2006 Mary from Dungloe, in the St. Patrick's Day Parade.

Be A Soldier’s Santa

Philadelphia’s 2006 “Mary from Dungloe” Brittany Basis is looking for a few good elves to make the holidays bright for US Marines stationed in Afghanistan—including her husband, Cpl. Roy Basis of the 2nd Batallian, 6th Marine Unit.

“There are about 800 Marines in the 2/6 alone and they have already lost 8 brothers in combat and suffered over 80 injuries,” says Basis. The men rarely shower, are connected to home via satellite phones they have to share and which drop calls after only a few minutes, making for disjointed conversations.

“The biggest morale boosters are when the men receive care pacakages from their wives, girlfriends, and family. Sadly,” says Basis, “some of the men don’t receive anything at all or have no one to get packages from.”

So she’s asking local organizations—and Irish folk—to put together packages for Operation Christmas Stocking, founded by Chaplain Dave Mowbray of the 2/6.

Here’s what they need, according to Chaplain Mowbray:

“Christmas stockings (12-18 inches long, and feel free to decorate and/or write your name/message on either the inside or outside)

“Pre-lit Christmas Trees (2-4 feet high, cheap ones are fine. These will be used in the various posts and bases around Marjah)

“Christmas related candy, candy canes, small toys and similar items. The more “Christmasy” or silly the better.

“No need to stuff the stockings, I’ll take all donations, plus the goodies we normally get, and try to make everything as equal as I can for everyone. Just use common sense on what you should or shouldn’t send. Liquor, drugs, chain saws? No. Anything else I can sort through and figure out. Chocolate should be fine, as it will be getting colder here. Boot or sport socks are a big hit too. One thing I have learned though: hygiene products and food do not usually ship well together. Food tends to absorb the scent of soap, laundry detergent, etc… Yuck.”

You’ll need to send your packages by November 1 to ensure a holiday delivery. Since the 2/6 is “too far in the boonies,” says the chaplain, don’t sending calling cards. You’ll need to fill out a customs form at the post office but you’ll only pay domestic shipping rates. Write “Operation Christmas Stocking” on the outside of the box and send them to:

Chaplain Dave Mowbray
2/6 H&S Company
Unit 73175
FPO AE 09510-3175