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grand marshal

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Johnny They Really Know Ye

John Dougherty marching in a past parade.

By Kathy McGee Burns

I’ve known John Dougherty, business manager of IBEW Local 98 and this year’s Grand Marshal of the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade, for many years. I’ve interviewed him many times and admire him greatly, so I’ve decided to leave the kind words to his friends.

When Parade Director Michael Bradley nominated the man everyone knows as “Doc,” he submitted a very succinct, business-like list of reasons that led the board to elect him unanimously. Here’s what Michael Bradley wrote about Doc:

1. His grandparents were Irish-born and he has nurtured the Irish traditions
2. He supports virtually every benefit involving the Irish community
3. He has been honored by the Delaware Valley Irish Hall of Fame
4. He was a founding member of the Irish Memorial
5. He was honored by Maynooth College for his support of Irish seminarians
6. He and his union are lead sponsors of the parade
7. His strong presence has brought our parade to a new level of excellence
8. He has never sought the limelight
9. John Dougherty sets a good example for us to follow
10. He is a Treasure in the Irish community and best of all, he is one of us and we love him!

Here’s what others have to say about this year’s Grand Marshal:

Ed McBride, friend, neighbor, coach, manager of the Edward O’Malley Athletic Association, Philadelphia
John grew up with my sons, Ed and Dan. They played football together. I coached John when he was a skinny 75-pounder from age 8 to 15. This all took place at the EOM Athletic facility in South Philly. John Dougherty became a major factor in Philadelphia, a lightening rod! He is a great family man, a great church man, and a great Irishman. He does the right thing for the right motives. He get things done and doesn’t want recognition. If we had more people like John Dougherty, we’d be much better off. This is the best choice.

Mick Treacy, neighbor and friend
John is a true gentleman. His hand has touched every Irish event. I’ve been his neighbor and friend for some 25 years. When sickness hit the Treacy family, John Dougherty was very kind to us. He is the finest Irish American I’ve ever met.”

Bobby Henon, Philadelphia City Councilman
John Dougherty has built his life and career around helping people. His mantra is, ‘You never forget where you come from if you never leave’. He took a near bankrupt business and with creativity, work ethic and vision built it up to a billion dollar enterprise with a brand. Local 98 is the fabric of Philadelphia. His financial stability and political power is used to help people who need it. He believes in giving it all back. He is my family. Once, after having surgery, I opened my eyes and they were all there; my Mom, Dad, my wife, and John. I think that being the Grand Marshal will be one of John’s most proudful days….a singlemost honor which will be held in the highest regard. He is Irish 365 days of the year, 24/7. To know John is to love him. Philadelphia is a better place because of John Dougherty’s commitment and service.

Bob Gessler, founder of the Hibernian Hunger Project and first vice president of the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Observance Committee
Any man who starts out a speech with “I am Irish, I am Catholic, I am Union–and proud of it!” is the kind of man that I want to lead the parade. John Dougherty has a complete commitment to Irish America. He is ready, willing and able to help anyone. He does it citywide, in many ways that no one knows about. John Dougherty is a family man, neighborhood man and a Philadelphian. He is the ‘go-to guy’ who came up through Irish roots. When they were talking about the Irish Memorial, people said, too ethnic, not the right ethnic, scale it down’…Not John! He fundraised, did the original site work and involved the other trade unions. He got it done!

Bill Green, Jr., Philadelphia City Councilman
John Dougherty is a force for good in so many ways in Philadelphia. His charitable works whether it be Magee Rehabilitation or the Variety Club has reached thousand upon thousand of lives in our city. He is truly worthy of this recognition and I am proud to call him a friend.

Bill Green, Sr. Former Mayor of Philadelphia
John Dougherty as grand marshal is really a terrific choice. He is proud of his heritage and I look forward to seeing John lead the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade.”

Kevin Dougherty, Administrative Judge, Family Court, John Dougherty’s brother
How do I feel about having John Dougherty as my brother? Well, he’s just my big brother. He has never changed. The way he is today is the way he’s always been. Genuine! His heart is bigger than his body. When I was a law student and he was a struggling union apprentice with a young family, he would send me care packages, maybe $25, or food…always addressed to Kevin Dougherty, Esq., with a note of encouragment. John has the patience of my Dad and the assertiveness of Mom. He shares their hearts. He aspires to inspire. He doesn’t realize the impact he has! And at the end of the day…I love him.

Gerry Adams TD, Sinn Féin President, Northern Ireland
John, a chara, comhgairdheas / congratulations on your election as Grand Marshall of the Philadelphia St Patrick’s Day Parade for 2012.

It is an honour well deserved for your record of working for the rights and wellbeing of your members and for the whole community. Let me take this opportunity to thank you and the members of Local 98 for your support and help over the years. Your commitment to freedom, justice and peace in Ireland has helped us to move forward towards our goal of Irish unity and independence.

As you head the St Patrick’s Day Parade in that great city of Philadelphia ,I know that our friend, the late, great Mike Doyle, will be with you in spirit.

So to you and all our friends who will be proudly marching with you on March 11th, have a great St Patrick’s Day Parade.

Bain sult as an lá! Is mise le meas, Gerry Adams

As for me, it will be one of my proudest moments as President of this great Parade when I put the Grand Marshal sash on John Dougherty.

Kathy McGee Burns is president of the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Observance Association.