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A Major Development at Saint Joe’s: A Minor in Irish Studies

Kersti Powell, left

When Kersti Tarien Powell, D.Phil., an assistant professor in the English department at Saint Joseph’s University, first proposed a minor in Irish Studies back in the fall, some people wondered aloud: Don’t we already have one?

The answer at the time was no, but, she says, there was broad agreement: “Of course we should have Irish Studies.”

Powell formally submitted her proposal in January. Then, she says, it went to different governing bodies at the Catholic university on City Line, including the College of Arts and Sciences and the University Council. She got the go-ahead in February. “It was approved at every stage,” she says. “So that was really nice.”

Now comes the tricky part.

Under normal circumstances, Powell explains, a student would  express an interest in adding or changing a major or a minor and fill out and sign a paper form. But these are not normal times. As with most universities and colleges, the coronavirus pandemic has forced changes in Saint Joe’s academic way of life.

“Since classes went online in March, in a couple of weeks, the university had to develop new means to deal with students who want to sign up for majors or change their major or sign up for new minors,” Powell says. “So now we have an online portal where they can do that.” As soon as the portal went live, the first couple of students signed up for the Irish Studies minor. “I was able to approve them and that was very exciting. We were literally starting to recruit students as the pandemic hit. It was an amazing thing to see happening.”

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Being Cool to His Schools

Michael Bradley

Michael Bradley

As if he didn’t already have enough to do, Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day parade director Michael Bradley, Jr., is taking on a daunting new assignment. He is the chairman of a relatively new board that will oversee all 23 Catholic schools in Delaware County.

Bradley holds leadership positions in a number of organizations, including Penn State’s Board of Advisers. He also happens to be president of a family-owned flooring and wall protection company.

Busy or not, Bradley doesn’t mind a bit. In fact, he has been lobbying for a role in county schools ever since a Blue Ribbon Commission issued a report in January 2012 calling for some predictably unpopular choices. Faced with a 38 percent drop in enrollment and a staggering $6 million deficit, the commission ordered the closure of 45 of the Archdiocese’s 156 elementary schools and four of 17 high schools.

Twenty-four elementary schools appealed, and 18 earned a reprieve. All four high schools also were spared the chopping block thanks to millions of dollars in pledges and donations.

Nevertheless, parents and communities reacted with alarm, and no small degree of anger, to the commission’s findings.

“They were closing all of these schools,” he says. “The main thing I told them is, you can’t have one group in charge. I was badgering them about it enough so that they looked at it. I was not the only one, but I was at the forefront of the screaming. They agreed with me. They came up with a plan to name advisory boards to run the counties. People just want to be heard. Bringing it all down into more manageable units is better.”

In Bradley’s case, it was never a question of “be careful what you wish for.” A leadership role on the Delaware County advisory board was exactly what he wanted.

“It’s a challenge, and a really neat thing,” he says. “I find it rewarding to build things up from scratch—rather than complain about it, to come up with solutions. I love Catholic education. I live Catholic education. I enjoy the heck out of it because I enjoy the kids.”

Bradley says the immediate plan is to put the schools on more of a business footing, and to unite them in the quest for financial stability and higher enrollment. Stronger involvement on the part of the business community is also a key element.

“Every school has been left on its own. They weren’t sharing information. That’s crazy. It’s important to share, and give them direction on how to raise money. There’s government money out there for them. It’s available.”

Bradley harbors no illusions that every Delaware County school will survive. There are some tough decisions ahead. But for now—and probably long into the future, knowing Bradley—the advisory board is accenting the positive. Rather than talking about which school is going to close, he says, the focus now remains on how to keep them open.

It’s a tough job, but in the end, each school has to solve two problems. “They need money, and they need kids,” Bradley says. “That’s it. You solve those problems, and all the other problems solve themselves.”


Tiny Dancers

Darrah and Niall field some, at times, humorous questions from the kindergarten.

Darrah and Niall field some, at times, humorous questions from the kindergarten.

Champion Irish dancers Niall O’Leary and Darrah Carr had just spent an entire class period in the Woodward Gym at Chestnut Hill Academy, teaching a group of kindergartners all about Irish dance and music. Applying their great powers of concentration and persuasion, they managed to herd all of those energetic little cats and keep them focused on the subject at hand. They even showed them how to dance a jig.

At the end of this exhausting but fun-filled period, there was just enough time for a few questions about Irish culture.

First question, from a little guy in the back:

“Did the Vikings invade Ireland?”

Darrah: Yes, they did, many times.

Brief pause. 

Second question, same kid:

“How many times did the Vikings invade Ireland?”

Darrah: Not sure, but many, many times.

Third question, same kid again:

“And what happened to you?”

Darrah: Happened to me when?

Same Scandinavian pirate-obsessed kid:

“When the Vikings invaded Ireland.”

Proof once again that, in the eyes of very small people, we older people can seem unbelievably old.

O’Leary and Carr were visiting CHA this week as part of the Steele Guest Faculty Program, designed to expose students to irish culture. The program is overseen by Peggy Steele and honors her late husband Franklin Steele. Past guests have included Malachy McCourt and Irish fiddle champion Seamus Connolly.

O’Leary is the director of the largest Irish dance school in New York City; Carr is artistic director of a New York-based modern dance company that blends Irish culture with contemporary dance.

The two guest faculty members for the day had a very busy day indeed, visiting classes from morning to late afternoon. They also returned later that evening for a special presentation … for adults.

Whether showing off their hard-shoe skills or playing the spoons, the grown-ups were no less charmed than were the kids.