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Conshohocken 2014

Valley Forge Pipe Major Joe Raudenbush

Valley Forge Pipe Major Joe Raudenbush

There’s always a crowd at the Montgomery County St. Patrick’s Day parade. Saturday in Conshohocken was no exception. If anything, the balmy near-60 degree weather brought out many more Irish, and wannabe Irish. We also saw the first flip-flops we’ve seen in months, a harbinger of spring if ever there was one.

Grand Marshal Jay Murray, wearing the maroon kilt of Irish Thunder—he plays pipes—led the bands, dancers, fire trucks, local pols, Hibernians and more down Fayette Street.

Check out the photo gallery.


Like Father, Like Son

John "Jay" Murray and sons.

John “Jay” Murray and sons

John “Jay” Murray III, the grand marshal of the 2014 Montgomery County St. Patrick’s Day parade, sits in a hard wooden chair hastily moved into the kitchen of the Ancient Order of Hibernians Division hall in Swedesburg. It was the only room available for an interview. You couldn’t hear yourself speak downstairs in the bar, and the Irish Thunder Pipes and Drums had just started wailing away in the meeting room next door.

So there we sit, a stockpot and an industrial-size colander drying in the sink, a glassed-in commercial fridge humming away alongside us, and a 50-pound sack of potatoes behind us on the counter.

Murray’s dark hair is neatly parted in the middle, as it always is. He is wearing a neat gray suit and a blue dress shirt, his black shoes gleaming with what looks like a fresh spit-shine. Still, his tie is loosened, his arm is draped over the back of the chair, and he’s slurping a pint of Guinness. He’s relaxed.

Hard to believe that this mild-mannered all-round nice guy was once a narc for the Norristown Police Department. You can’t imagine how he pulled it off.

Murray was a cop for almost 27 years, rising through the ranks to become a detective. (He reluctantly accepted a buyout in 1996.) He loved his job, and he especially loved being a detective. He acknowledges that cops are exposed to the ugly side of human nature, but early in his tenure at Norristown PD, Murray learned to separate the professional from the personal. The lesson came by way of his father, John “Jay” Murray, Jr., also a Norristown police officer, a hail-fellow-well-met type who went on to become mayor of Norristown.

“I worked good cases.” Murray says. “I wasn’t taking domestic disturbances or ‘someone stole the flower pots off my porch,’ the minor stuff. I was doing robberies, burglaries and homicides. Stuff where you can do some god investigation work. I had a good career. It keeps you you going. But I never brought anything home. What happened at work stayed at work. I learned how to turn it off. My dad was a policeman for 22-23 years, the same as me. When I joined the force, he was still there. We had long talks and stuff. Words of wisdom. He was rough and tough, but he had a heart of gold. He told me that there was the police side of life, and then there was the other side. He said you take all my good stuff and keep that. Let the other stuff go.”

Anyone who knows “Jay” Murray can tell he learned his lesson well.

Murray and his pop were close. Where his father led, he would follow. Which is how Murray, along with his dad, became founding members of the AOH division.

An old friend from the force, Jim Cahill, was a member of another Montco AOH division, but he thought there was room in the county for another one. The problem? You need a minimum of 12 members to start a division. Cahill had rounded up a few prospective members—but he needed more.

“Jimmy had called me and asked him about it, and I kinda said, ‘I’m doing this and doing that. But he got to my dad. He knew my dad. Finally, after a couple of weeks or a a month of this, my dad called me, and said, ‘C’mon. we’re going to join.”

Almost immediately, the division grew by leaps and bounds. Murray became the division’s first secretary, and he continued to assume leadership roles in the nascent division. The two Murrays assumed prominent roles. So prominent, in fact, that when the division started to work on the Montgomery County St. Patrick’s Day parade, John “Jay” Murray, Jr., became grand marshal in 1995.

Murray went on to become one of the founders of the division’s pipe band. He learned how to play the pipes, and he brought along his brothers, Bernie and Mike, who became drummers.

As it happens, Murray’s father stimulated his interest in piping. “My dad had taken me a few times to hear pipe bands when I was a kid. It always stuck with me. I always had a love for it, so I did it. Then my oldest son Sean said, ‘I’d like to do that, too.’ I was here, and then he came along not too long after.”

Murray has enjoyed a good life, surrounded by loving family and friends, but hard times came late in 2013, when his wife Donna passed away. He has good days and bad days. The night we spoke, he admitted, was a bad day.

The days immediately following his wife’s death were especially hard.

Then came the division’s annual Appreciation Day on December 21. Murray didn’t want to go, but his sons, Shane, Casey and Sean, talked him into it. “I hadn’t been around since my wife passed. My kids ganged up on me and said, ‘C’mon, dad you haven’t been out. You should go.’”

Traditionally, the grand marshal is announced at Appreciation Day, which Murray knew all too well, since he had been parade chairman. The sons knew what was up, but Murray had no idea.

“The guy doing the announcing was the parade chairman, Jimmy Gallagher. I was on the police force with Jimmy when he first came on. He was still in uniform. I broke him in. We’ve been good friends ever since. First, he announced a couple of awards for something or other … and then he looks at me, and then he looks away, and then he announces me. I was flabbergasted.”

It was a much needed lift that at least temporarily eased some of the pain. It’s hard, but he manages to count his blessings.

“It’s an honor. I know the things that go into nominating someone who is deserving. We’ve had some really good ones—all nice guys, all decent guys. It feels real good to know they must think you’re a really nice guy too. It’s nice to be loved.”

And once again, Murray’s thoughts turn to his pop. “I knew what they thought of him. It feels good in my heart to know that they think his son deserved it, too.”

The Montgomery County parade marches down Fayette Street in Conshohocken on March 15, starting at 2 p.m.


Conshy Parade is Looking for Next Grand Marshal

Spreading good cheer down Fayette Street.

Spreading good cheer down Fayette Street.

Yes, St. Patrick’s Day 2012 is still months away. If you’re like the rest of us, you’ve only just begun to think about Christmas.

The same cannot be said for the organizers of the local St. Patrick’s Day parades, who are already thinking well ahead … including the members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians Division 1 who stage the big Montgomery County parade in Conshohocken, set for March 10.

Based in Swedesburg, the division is already searching for someone special to lead the parade. What’s more, if you know someone who’d make a great grand marshal, better let the division know soon. The deadline for nominations is December 9.

Here are the rules, according to parade committee spokesman Pete Hand. The nominee must:

  • Live in Montgomery County
  • Have contributed to the local Irish community, or the broader community
  • Be of Irish descent

“We’re looking for someone who’s really involved in the community, and in local organizations like the Ancient Order of Hibernians, CYO, the church, the fire company, somebody who actively promotes Irish culture … someone outgoing like that,” says Hand.

Whoever wins will have big shoes to fill. Two past grand marshals, former Conshohocken police chief Jim Dougherty and Verne T. Leedom, former drum major of Irish Thunder Pipes & Drums, passed away this past year. They pretty much set the standard.

So far, the division has received a few nominees, says Hand (himself a former grand marshal). He can’t say whose hats are in the ring. “I don’t know who they are … the nominations come in sealed envelopes.”

If you want to nominate someone, send a letter to:

St. Patrick’s Parade Committee
“Attention Grand Marshal”
342 Jefferson St.
Swedesburg, Pa 19405

The next grand marshal will be named on December 17, the division’s Member Appreciation Day. The Grand Marshal’s Ball will be held March 3 at the Jeffersonville Golf Club Banquet Hall.


The Sun Shines on Conshy

Philadelphia on Sunday suffered the weather of the Irish–damp and cool.

In Conshohocken, on the other hand, the folks who organized the 2009 St. Patrick’s Day parade got all the luck. No one could call it a tropical day on Fayette Street, but at least it was dry.

The crowds of parade-goers seemed to appreciate it. And there was a lot more than decent weather to appreciate. As always, there were lots of pipers and drummers, and enough curly-wigged dancers to keep everyone well entertained.

We have the photos to prove it.


For Conshy Grand Marshal Pete Hand, the Third Time Was the Charm

Drum majoring at a recent AOH tribute in honor of fallen Philadelphia police officer Chuck Cassidy.

Drum majoring at a recent AOH tribute in honor of fallen Philadelphia police officer Chuck Cassidy.

You’ve been very active in the Ancient Order of Hibernians for quite some time. Obviously, it means a lot to you, but why?

The AOH means a lot to me because our organization has really grown over the years to helping people, schools and churches in need. The Notre Dame Division of which I’m a member received the AOH National Charity Award at the last national convention two years ago. This was a great moment for our division.

To be in the AOH, you have to a.) be a Catholic guy, and b.) come from an Irish family on one or both sides. What’s your background? What generation are you? Do you know where your family is from and how they wound up in Philadelphia?

My Irish roots come from my father’s side of the family, Bill Hand. His grandmother on his mom’s side, Jane McCann, whose maiden name was Tierney, came here to America from County Mayo. His mom’s name was Jenny and was cousin to the past mayor of Philadelphia, James Tate, who was a great Irishman himself.

On my father’s dad’s side, his roots go back to beyond the Revolutionary War. A Hand has served in every war up to Vietnam. My great, great uncle Christy lost his leg in the Civil War. My grandfather Jim Hand, who lived in Philly, lost everything when the Market crashed. He had a garage down off the Parkway around 22nd street. He owned just about the whole block and had the city contacts for vehicle repairs, along with other contracts. Well, he lost everything and to get by they began making their own beer and selling it. The neighbors used to call them the Irish Mafia. My dad used to say they had to eat corn flakes three times a day at times, just to have something to eat. A loaf of bread was only a nickel … but nobody had a nickel.

What do you do when you’re not being president of the AOH Division in Swedesburg, drum majoring for the Irish Thunder pipe band, chairing the Conshohocken St Patrick’s Day Parade Committee, putting out fires with the Swedesburg Fire Company, going to church, and generally hanging out with Bernadette, your wife of 32 years, and your four kids Jeannie, Denise, Pete and Patrice? (Oh, and sleeping from time to time.) In other words, what do you do for a living? Tell us a bit about that.

Well, you’re right about that sleeping. Seems like when I hit the lounge chair I have no trouble falling asleep.

I’m an employee of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission . I have been with the turnpike for 27 years. I collected tolls for 25 years and now I work in the maintenance office at Plymouth Meeting. I’m the production control clerk, which involves keeping track of the trades people, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, and welders, and of their work, material, purchase of materials and time.

By the way, I’m an active member of the Swedesburg Firehouse, but I do not fight fires. I’m more of a member who supports the firehouse functions.

You’ve been drum major of Irish Thunder Pipes and Drums for quite some time. How did you get involved in that? Why did you want to do that?

Well I always had a liking for bands. I used to live in the Fairmount area by the Parkway and, as you know, there was always a parade for something and my parents always took me down to them. I became involved with the Irish Thunder, first, by marching with the division color guard, which participates with the band in events. Our drum major John Sargent became ill and was not able to return.

After a couple months without John, there was talk of needing a drum major. I told the band members that I would like to try it and Verne Leedom, another past drum major of the Thunder, gave me some lessons to get me started.

I have being drum major for 18 months now and I’m planning to go to my first workshop for drum majors in February down in Baltimore.

Were you surprised by your selection as Grand Marshal of the 2008 St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Conshohocken? How did you find out? What was your reaction?

Well, you never know who is going to get the Grand Marshal. I was nominated three times prior to this year and I turned it down every time. I decided to take the nomination at the end of last year’s parade if I was nominated this year. Many members and friends were upset that I turned it down again. My reason was that I was too young. But a fellow member spoke to me after the parade last year and said, if nominated next year, I should take it. You never know what’s going to happen. And that set in after I lost two friends, both in their early 50s. Even with that you don’t know who is going to be nominated. I was very happy as well with my family and friends. At the age 51 I’m the youngest Grand Marshal ever nominated in the Saint Patrick’s Parade in Montgomery County.