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Billy McComiskey

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Irish Music for a Sacred Cause

Robbie O'Connell and Mick Moloney.

Robbie O'Connell and Mick Moloney.

Father John McNamee, the former pastor of St. Malachy Church, looked out onto the audience gathered for Sunday’s annual Irish music concert with Mick Moloney and friends, and marveled at how the tradition has helped keep the parish school open and thriving.

“The only way we can keep this school open,” he said, “is through our own effort. Thanks to you, we cost the archdiocese nothing.”

Keeping the school in business is a costly proposition, but it apparently pays big dividends to the kids who attend. Roughly 50 percent of students attending city public schools drop out before they finish high school—but St. Malachy’s kids determinedly swim against that discouraging tide. Ninety-five percent of the school’s students finish high school, Father Mac said.

Thanks to Mick Moloney and a small group of immensely talented fellow musicians—including fiddler Dana Lyn, uilleann piper Jerry Sullivan, accordion player Billy McComiskey, and singer Robbie O’Connell—the school acquired a healthy infusion of cash from the fans who nearly filled all the pews. It’s a tradition Moloney has carried on for over two decades. “Here it is 25 years, and here it is Mick’s still coming,” said Father Mac.

We have photos from the concert, and several videos. Check them out.

The videos: 

Mick Moloney and Friends Play a Medley of Reavy Tunes

The Emigrant and Lough Derg

Yesterday’s Men

The First Half Closer

An O’Carolan Tune

The House In The Glen/The Bohola Jig/Josie McDermott’s/Free And Easy