
They Do Make Beautiful Music Together

Mary McPartlan gives Aidan Brennan a hug.

Mary McPartlan gives Aidan Brennan a hug.

When they met last year during the Willie Clancy Summer School in Miltown Malbay, County Clare, singers Susan McKeown and Mary McPartlan vowed they would one day perform together. Lucky for us, they kept their promise.

The two, accompanied by remarkable Irish guitarist Aidan Brennan, sang separately and together on the stage at the Irish Center in Philadelphia on January 10. McKeown, who won a Grammy for her work with the New York-based klezmer group, The Klezmatics, performed an eclectic mix of Yiddish and Irish tunes along with her own inspired songs. McPartlan, whose voice has been compared to that of Dolores Keane, did several sean nos or unaccompanied traditional tunes, and even did a little rocking out. The two women and Brennan sang one song together in tight, gorgeous harmony.

But don’t take my word for it. Watch and listen.

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