
Taking You Home to Mayo

Maureen Brett Saxon greets Tommy Moffit.

Maureen Brett Saxon greets Tommy Moffit.

The most electrifying moment in the Mayo Association banquet came toward the end, when the new Miss Mayo was announced. When Caitlin Lotty’s name was called out, she looked startled, surprised, pleased, thrilled, blown away, shocked,stunned, gobsmacked—everything all in one.

The second-year nursing student at Neumann University calmed down fairly quickly (although the smile never faded), and she accepted her crown and sash with grace, thanking the association and saying that the honor would show just how much nurses could accomplish.

The Mayos also conferred the president’s award upon Kathleen Gavin Murtaugh. The Sweetheart of Mayo—and she really fits the name—was Agnes McCafferty.

Aside from the awards, the Mayo banquet was a night of music, dance and fun. The Philadelphia Irish Center ballroom was filled nearly to capacity.

We have some photos and a bit of video from the night.

Check out the video.

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