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Arts, Music, People

RUNA: “Stretched On Your Grave”

RUNA Launches Their New CD, "Stretched on Your Grave"

I first heard RUNA perform live almost two years ago, shortly after they had recorded their debut CD, “Jealousy.”  I fell in love with that album, and I fell in love with the band that has pioneered their own innovative style of taking traditional Irish songs and “Celting them up” in a way that is uniquely their own.

With the release of their second CD, “Stretched On Your Grave,” they have only managed to surpass themselves.

RUNA is Philadelphia-based: singer Shannon Lambert-Ryan is a home-girl who grew up at The Irish Center in Mt. Airy, first as a step-dancer with the O’Donnell School of Irish Dance, and later dancing at the Friday-night ceilis with her mom, Julie Lambert.  Percussionist Cheryl Prashker may have been born in Canada, but she was adopted by the folk scene here years when she joined up with the band Full Frontal Folk.  And Dublin-born guitarist, Fionán de Barra, had no choice; he became a full-fledged Philadelphian when he showed his brilliant taste by marrying Lambert-Ryan.

This is an album whose release I have long been awaiting, if only because I knew it would contain the song that I have come to think of as RUNA’s signature piece, “The House Carpenter/Jolene.” “The House Carpenter,” a traditional ballad that is also known as “The Daemon Lover” and “James Harris,” is a well-known work that tells the story of a young wife and mother who is lured away from her home by a former lover who promises her the world. Shortly into their voyage, she regrets her decision and is drowned, never to see the face of her young child again. 

Lambert-Ryan and de Barra were playing around with the tune one day, working with the verses: “There are many versions of the song…we wanted to craft the song to fit our style without changing it,” Lambert-Ryan explained. At the same time, they were listening to Dolly Parton’s classic song “Jolene,” and they realized that they could both be sung in the same key. Adding Prashker’s percussion underneath, the two songs blend perfectly, and create a brilliant and addictive take on an old ballad.

This is what comes through on the cd, the band’s love of “haunting melodies and universal themes.” Lambert-Ryan’s pure vocals shine on “I Wish My Love was a Red, Red Rose/Hector the Hero,” accompanied only by de Barra’s guitar playing. Simple, quiet and affecting, Lambert-Ryan preserves the original grace of the song while imbuing it with the passion that she imprints on everything she sings.

The title song, “I Am Stretched On Your Grave,” opens with Lambert-Ryan singing sean-nos, and then builds on the raw emotion of the tune as de Barra comes in with guitar, and fiddler Tomoko Omura draws the energy of the song to its conclusion. It’s an artistic fusion that creates a captivating and satisfying arrangement to the 17th century Irish poem originally titled “Táim sínte ar do thuama”.

Lambert-Ryan also sings several songs in their original Irish, “Cailín deas Crúite na mbó” and “Siúbhán Ní Dhuibhir.” The lovely ballad “Cailín deas Crúite na mbó” is performed with an effortless straightforwardness that captures the tale of “The Pretty Girl Milking a Cow,” while “Siúbhán Ní Dhuibhir” is infused with energy and percussion and the peerless flute playing of Isaac Alderson.

de Barra displays his own vocals on “Fionnghuala,” a tour de force of what has been described as Gaelic scat. The Scottish song was made famous by The Bothy Band, but de Barra’s version is a joyful gem that deserves its own place in the annals of Celtic music.

Throw in the instrumental “The Star of Munster,” which showcases Prashker’s percussion, de Barra’s guitar, and Alderson’s flute, and you have an album overflowing with stunning tunes and songs.

“Stretched On Your Grave” is an inspired album from a group that has found its voice, and its place, in the world of Irish music. With songs like “The Newry Highwayman” and “Lowlands of Holland,” played to traditional perfection with RUNA’s Celtic twist, it’s a CD that will get frequent play when you add it to the music shelf.

And those of you fortunate enough to live within traveling distance to Philadelphia can see them play live at their launch concert this Saturday, March 26th at The Irish Center in Mt. Airy.

For more information, check out their website:


Preview: The Pride of Parnell Street

Kittson O'Neill and David Whalen

Kittson O'Neill and David Whalen

The watershed moment in Joe and Janet Brady’s ostensibly happy marriage comes when Joe returns home from Ireland’s 1990 World Cup defeat to viciously attack Janet.

Sebastian Barry’s “The Pride of Parnell Street” is harrowing stuff; a tale of love perhaps never completely lost, and redemption. The couple’s turbulent history is methodically revealed in alternating, interwoven monologues by Joe and Janet. It is more like picking at a scab than exposition.

The events of “Pride” unwind against the backdrop of an ever-changing Dublin, and Joe and Janet’s story has a distinct, direct Dublin accent—about as subtle as a brick tossed through a shop window—and yet it remains delicately nuanced, darkly humorous, starkly beautiful. In Barry’s hands, a New York Times reviewer noted, this “rambling, vernacular talk assumes the music and patterns of poetry.”

Harriet Power was one of the first to read some of Barry’s powerfully moving lines. Power is a professor of theatre at Villanova who befriended Barry when the playwright served as the Heimbold Endowed Chair in Irish Studies at the university in 2006. They became good friends during his stay, and one day he asked her if she wanted to read a first draft of a new play—this new play, as it turned out. The language and emotion, she recalls, fairly leapt from the page. “I said, before I die I will do this play.”

Power’s bucket list wish is being granted. Wearing her other hat—associate artistic director at Act II Playhouse in Ambler—Power is preparing to bring this penetrating play to life later this month. David Whalen portrays Joe; Kittson O’Neill, in her Act II debut, plays Janet.

For Power, her friend’s use of the language is transcendent. “He’s really, really good at capturing what the soul sounds like,” she says. “He captures the poetry in the everyday without seeming to do anything at all.”

Of the two, Janet is the more successful survivor. Joe has weathered countless failures and indignities, and spends the play speaking from a hospital bed.

What appealed to O’Neill about her character was the shining spirit that lay beneath surface ordinariness.

“She’s a cleaning lady in a factory,” she explains. “She’s a single mom with two kids. She does not bear the external markers of success. What makes her exceptional is that she has a mind that is wide open to the world and the joys in it.”

Clearly, the deeply troubled Joe obviously is least sympathetic. Says Power, there is something about him that says, “I dare you to feel anything but repelled by me.” But even here, she adds, Barry has left open the possibility of forgiveness, if not a second chance—even when you’ve really blown it.

Whalen concurs. What Joe has done, he says, “was a terrible mistake. It (domestic violence) happens more often than we might say.” Given the nature of that “terrible mistake,” he adds, it’s difficult to see how any of it could end on anything other than a dismal note.

And yet, some sparks of love still unite this couple. For Whalen, that is what most appeals to him about “Pride.”

“For me, this play is such an incredible, transcendent love story,” he says. “When I read it, it blew off the pages for me. The last moment of this play always gets to me.”

And we’ll leave that last moment for you to discover on your own.

The show runs from March 22 through April 17. Details here.

Arts, Music, People

From Máirtín de Cógáin With Love

Máirtín de Cógáin is launching his new CD "From Cork With Love"

Those of us in the know are already well aware that the best tea comes from Cork, and goes by the name “Barry’s,” but Máirtín de Cógáin has discovered during his travels around the U.S. that it’s not always easy to get a proper cuppa. So, he has determinedly set his sights on remedying that by “educating as much of America” as he can with a little story he calls “How to make proper tea!” and wisely including it on his new CD, The Máirtín de Cógáin Project’s “From Cork with Love.”

If anyone can pull off a feat of such cross-cultural magnitude, it’s this two time All Ireland Storytelling Champion.

A true Renaissance man of the arts, Máirtín de Cógáin takes the concept of the triple threat a few threats further:  in addition to dancing, acting and singing, he is also a playwright, a songwriter, a bodhrán player and a master seanachie.  And with just the slightest of omissions (he‘s saving the dancing for the next CD), those talents are exuberantly displayed on “From Cork with Love.”

The album, recorded live at The Celtic Junction in St. Paul, Minnesota, last April, is a listen with an extremely high addiction factor.  There’s no use in even pretending otherwise; from the songs, to the tunes, to the stories—which were all chosen to reflect an aspect of the heart & soul to be found in County Cork—the CD should come with its own repeat button.

The Cork native, who relocated to Minnesota several years ago with his American wife, explained that the album is both a love letter to Cork, and an expression of the love that is to be found there. “It’s the way it is with immigrants, you lose a lot when you leave home. This is my tribute to songs that have been lost, as well as to songs that haven’t been lost.”

“There is a lot of coyness and romance about Cork. I met my wife Mitra there. She’s from Los Angeles, and had come to do a wee year abroad in a foreign land…and you couldn’t be more foreign from Los Angeles than when you’re in Cork.

“I won her heart with a brush dance. After that, she was putty in my hands. And, most importantly, she had all the ingredients for a proper cup of tea, including the Barry’s tea bags.”

Some signs are not meant to be ignored.

“I grew up in a house where there was always a pot of tea brewing.  There would be 4, 5, 6 or 10 people drinking from it. Lots of tea leaves. I don’t branch out much from Barry’s, but Lyons isn’t too bad. And then you have PG Tips and Red Lion, as well.”

But it’s not always about tea. After graduation from university, de Cógáin traveled around the world. “I was totally defunct of ideas about my future…like most of my fellow graduates.  I always stuck in everything in college.”

It was while in New Zealand that de Cógáin did his first paying gig, and from there it was on to Australia.  Upon his return to Ireland, de Cógáin found work for his multifarious talents in acting (the film “The Wind That Shakes the Barley” for which he also sang the theme song), playwriting (“De Bogman” in which he also stars, performing 20 characters in under an hour) and performing (he was a founding, and existing, member of The Fuschsia Band and also formed Captain Mackey’s Goatskin & String Band with Jimmy Crowley).

And de Cógáin the storyteller was also honing his skills as a seanachie, a talent that comes from his father, “a great storyteller himself. I really love telling stories when you hit the mark.  I do try to have a story or two wherever we go that’s suitable. I was never amazing at school, but my short term memory is amazing. If I hear a story, and retell it the next day, I’ll remember it. I’m kind of like a mockingbird that way.  It also helps in acting.”

Now there is the launch of The Máirtín de Cógáin Project and its CD, where he is joined by fellow Minnesotans Brian Miller and Norah Rendell, as well as special guest, fiddle player Nathan Gourley.

“I first met Brian when I was in college, and he came over to study in Ireland.  We played together over there, and then on my very first day in Minnesota, I went into Kieran’s Pub in Minneapolis, and Brian was playing there.

“I’ve been chasing Brian for years to perform with him, and I finally caught him. And along with Brian came Norah. They have such a fierce love of Irish music, and they understand the intricacies of how things work.  Both of them are very dedicated, and great to work with.”

And, no surprise here: it was in Cork that the now-married Brian and Norah met and fell in love.

The song that set “From Cork With Love” in motion, “Away Down the Marina,” was one that de Cógáin got from his musical partner and fellow Corkman, Jimmy Crowley. A love song with “verve and excitement,” it tells the story of a couple who courted along a walkway called The Marina on the River Lee.  It’s a trysting spot not much used today, but perhaps with the release of the album,  it will be rediscovered by a new generation of lovers.  And, as a tribute to his wife, de Cógáin very sweetly changed a line in the first verse from “My pretty Irish queen” to “My pretty Persian queen.”

It’s these little stories behind the songs that add to the winning appeal of “From Cork With Love.” The oldest song on the CD is “The Star of Sunday’s Well,” which was composed by Cork writer (and lawyer) William B. Guiney and dates to the 1870’s.  Introduced to the recording of Donal Maguire’s version by Brian Miller, de Cógáin also counts Jimmy Crowley’s influence in his learning of it. “It’s great to get the old songs,” he enthused.

Among the newer compositions is one that I count among my own personal favorites: “Bridie and the Pole.” A song that de Cógáin heard sung at a wedding in 2009, “it’s very topical at the moment. It’s a social documentary of what’s going on now” in the aftermath of Ireland’s Celtic Tiger.  And a rollicking good song, with a Polish polka worked into the instrumental interlude.

With songs from Jimmy Crowley, one from John Spillane, the song “Timahoe” that he got from his father (who got it in 1960 from Peter Thompson who got it in 1957 at the Lisdoonvarna Matchmaking Festival), it’s no wonder that de Cógáin expresses his “great joy in putting together the album and getting it out there.”

“I’m looking forward to touring the album shortly…it’s a moveable feast,” de Cógáin said. “Full reflections, songs, stories, tunes, love songs.”

A moveable feast, and a satisfying banquet.

For more information on Máirtín de Cógáin, or “From Cork With Love,” check out his website:

Arts, Columns, How to Be Irish in Philly, Music, People

How to Be Irish in Philly This Week

Blackthorn once again puts its Celtic rock power behind a fundraiser, this Saturday for Archbishop Ryan’s Alumni Association. It’s normally a sell-out crowd, so check our calendar for contact info and make those calls now.

Also on Saturday, Enter the Haggis will be at the World Café Live. Extremely popular Celtic rock band from Canada, so again, make those calls now.

Spring Hill House Concerts is hosting multi-talented Grey Larsen (fiddle, tin whistle, concertina, and flute) and songwriter-guitarist Cindy Kallet in this intimate venue. You may have heard the duo on National Public Radio—now you can hear them in someone’s livingroom.

On Sunday, a real treat: piper Jerry O’Sullivan, one of the masters, will be performing at the Coatesville Cultural Society. He was recently in town with Mick Moloney for the annual concert to benefit St. Malachy’s School in North Philadelphia.

On Sunday afternoon, join Philadelphia’s Derry Society at a mass of remembrance for those who lost their lives on January 30, 1972, in Derry during the incident now called “Bloody Sunday” when British paratroopers fired on a largely peaceful crowd of protesters. The killings sparked years of violent conflict in Northern Ireland.

If you’re looking for a little music with your lunch on Wednesday, stop by the Irish Immigration Center in Upper Darby: the remarkable accordian player Kevin McGillian will be entertaining with his son John. You’ll have to RSVP because space is limited, so check our calendar for info.

On Friday, get ready to laugh your kilt off with The Irish Comedy Tour, coming to the Sellersville Theatre, and featuring Detroit native Derek Richards, Boston’s own Mike McCarthy, and Dubliner Keith Aherne. We saw another combination of comics when the tour came here last year and they were a hoot.

The Martin McDonagh play, “A Skull in Connemara,” continues its run this week at St. Stephen’s Theatre in Philadelphia. The run has been extended to February 13.

Arts, News, People

The Bogside Murals: Derry’s History in Art

The Bogside artists, Tom and William Kelly, and Kevin Hasson, in front of the original "Death of Innocence" mural in Derry.

This year, Derry was named the first ever UK City of Culture for 2013, a “precious gift for the peacemakers,” in Northern Ireland, said British Prime Minister David Cameron when announcing the award last July .

Derry’s bid, of course, made note of its many cultural contributions to the world, from musician Phil Coulter to Nobel Prize-winning poet Seamus Heaney, but it also frankly acknowledged its tragic history as the birthplace of “the troubles” in the late 1960s.

Nearly 40 years ago this Sunday, simmering tensions boiled to the surface when British soldiers opened fire on a largely peaceful crowd of protestors marching through the city’s Roman Catholic Bogside section, killing 13 people, most of them teenaged boys, and wounding 13 others. The event, which came to be known as “Bloody Sunday,” marked the beginning of decades of armed conflict that largely ended after the so-called “Good Friday Agreement” in 1998 that dissolved direct London rule of Northern Ireland.

Last year, in releasing what is known as the Saville Report on the incident, Cameron became the first British government official to admit that the shootings were “unjustified and unjustifiable,” though none of the troops involved have ever been charged with any crime.

The Derry proposal opens with the lines from a Heaney poem that reflects both the city’s violent past and optimism for the future:

“So hope for a great sea change
On the far side of revenge
Believe that a farther shore is reachable from here.
Believe in miracles and cures and healing wells.”

And in one place—the walls that line the length of Rossville Street in the Bogside—violent history co-exists with a hope for peace in the murals of the three men known collectively as the Bogside artists. Called “the most prominent political murals in the world,” the 12 large scale paintings, all done on dwellings with the permission of the homeowners, are the work of brothers Tom and William Kelly, and friend, Kevin Hasson, all Bogside natives, who started the art project in 1993. The mural that greets you when you enter what the artists call “The People’s Gallery” is a black and white depiction of a boy in a gas mask called “The Petrol Bomber;” one of the last, the “peace mural” in color, featuring a Picasso-like dove on a backdrop of colored squares.

We recently talked to artist Tom Kelly by phone from the Bogside Artists Studio behind the Bogside Inn in Derry.

What was your purpose in painting the murals?

We were acutely aware that a lot of the artists in Ireland, both north and south, were not really dealing with the issues going on on our doorsteps. Most murals tend to be one side or the other. We wanted to bring something artistic into the whole mural arena and create a cathartic experience, a human document that would tell the story of the Bogside and Derry and 40 years of conflict. By looking at it and examining it, we thought that maybe we could move on from it. When you take something and put it into the light, it loses its power.

You all went to art school?

Yes. I spent a year in art college at Jordanstown University and was dissatisfied with the direction the tutors were trying to take us. . . .The idea that a pile of stones on the floor with a dead fish on top was supposed to be the meaning of life, that whole thing I just couldn’t take anymore. So I dropped out. Or maybe I dropped in.

Is that why the murals are done in such a realistic style?

Yes, it’s not about intellectualizing. We could easily have done all that, gone on the conceptual trip. But if good art is about communication, then why write a letter to your grandmother in Greek when you know she doesn’t speak it?

You painted the earliest ones like the Petrol bomber, the Bloody Sunday mural, Civil Rights, the Rioter —most of which are in black and white—while the conflict was still going on. Was that dangerous?

We were all listed for execution, put on a hit list of the UVF [Ulster Volunteer Force, a loyalist paramilitary group]. Most artists would have packed their bags and left. But once we knew we had the support of the people of the Bogside, we went back continually, year after year, to paint the story. We felt we were re-appropriating our story from the British media and telling it for ourselves. We felt very muc like we were commissioned by the community, and the people still support us and them today.

How did you get permission to paint on the walls—aren’t they’re people’s houses for the most part?

We painted them on 12 large gable walls there so we needed the support of the poople. Most murals in the North were put up by paramilitary groups—they would appear overnight on a gable wall and people who lived there were too afraid to pull it down. We went to people, showed them the image, and we were not funded by the government. The donations from local families are what enabled us to hire scaffolding and pay for paint. And we three artists painted them ourselves. And the truth is, it was quite a gas doing the murals. People would come by and talk about things they otherwise might not talk about. Sometimes they would bring tea and scone bread.

Why did you decide to do murals instead of regular-sized paintings?

We’re all small, under 5’7”, it might be a psychological thing. [laughter]

Do you actually conceive the ideas for the murals together?

We spend a lot of time prior to painting a mural getting the right questions together. It’s a bit of hard work really, design work. We like classical design, and it’s the simplicity of the images that’s important to us. We’ve seen murals everywhere and it might sound conceited but most of them suffer from clutteritis. They say too much with the wall space. They tend to be very colorful, but what it’s saying is less important. Though we’re three very different people there’s tremendous harmony among us. We sing from the same songsheet when it comes to murals, art and sculpture

Do you have a favorite of the murals?

That would have to be “Death of Innocence,” the mural of the young girl.

I read somewhere that you knew this young woman whom you’ve portrayed wearing her school uniform with a broken gun to her right and a butterfly above her head. And that you added the broken gun and butterfly much later.

She’s Annette McGavigan, a full cousin of Kevin’s and a good friend of mine. It was the only mural we did where we deliberately left it unfinished. At the time, we couldn’t see any possibility of reconciliation and peace. We said we would finish the mural, breaking the gun in half and showing the butterfly in all its color and energy, when guns no longer killed children.

Tell me about Annette.

She lived in my same street and was interested in art like myself. She was 14 years in 1971. She was sent out by her teacher to gather materials for a still life and there was a skirmish in the street. In the 1970s the soldiers fired plastic bullets. Annette was shot by a British soldier with two high velocity rounds to the back of the ear. She died in her school uniform, which we showed to represent all the kids who died, Irish, Protestant or Catholic. It made it clear—this beautiful child is juxtaposed with fragmentation and a crazy background reminiscent of a bomb explosion. There were these two young boys killed by the IRA in Warrington near London—Jonathan Ball and Tim Parry-and we contacted their parents to ask them if it would be okay if Annette McGavigan could represent them too and they sent us a lovely letter agreeing.

When did you finish the mural?

We went back in 1997, the whole community turned out, including this young girl’s family, to watch us break the gun in half and finish the butterfly in color. We had never forseen it. We thought it would be like the Middle East, there would never be any real peace here.

The Bogside murals have become quite a tourist attraction in Derry. I understand you sort of bring them around the world too.

We get invitations from all over to give lectures and presentations and we have a traveling exhibition. We were invited to China and spent three days in Shenzhen and we did a large mural there for the Dafen Museum—quite a brave step, since it points out that there’s a need for freedom in art, which we actually wrote on the mural. That caused a bit of a stir. We did a version of our peace mural at the Smithsonian Folk Life Festival on the mall in Washington, DC, and we did an exhibition a few years ago at Villanova University. We’ve also done a series of murals at Hanover College (in Indiana), Georgia Southern University, the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and may be coming back to the US to do two or three at DePaul University in Chicago.

You know that Philadelphia is well known worldwide for its murals. We have more than 3,000, probably more than any city. Would you be willing to take a shot at one here?

We just need someone to invite us and pay our way.

I know you’re involved in a campaign now to get the city of Derry to provide lighting for the murals so they can be seen at night.

For its big 2013 celebration, the city is lighting the city walls, St. Columb’s Cathedral, the Apprentice Boys Hall and other key heritage sites, but the murals are staying in the dark. We’re asking people to sign a petition asking the city to provide spotlights. You can do it online at the petition site.

To commemorate Bloody Sunday, the Sons and Daughters of Derry–Philadelphia’s Derry Society–is sponsoring a Mass at the Irish Center, 6815 Emlen Street, Philadelphia,  on Sunday, January 30, at 3 PM.

You can see more photographs of the murals at the Bogside Artists’ website.


Review: A Skull in Connemara

Stephen Novelli as Mick Dowd and Jake Blouch as Mairtin--and skulls. Photo by Mark Garvin.

The Lantern Theatre Company’s production of “A Skull in Connemara,” is, to quote one of its quirky main characters “a great oul night. Drinking and driving and skull batterin’. . .”

In fact, if you happen to be in the first row, you might want to bring some protection—a la watermelon-smashing comic Gallagher—from the flying bone shards during the hilarious scene as two drunken Irish gravediggers with wooden mallets make sure that two skeletons do indeed return to dust.

In the second part of Martin McDonagh’s Leenane trilogy (“Beauty Queen of Leenane” and “The Lonesome West” bracket it), “A Skull in Connemara” tells the story of Mick Dowd (Stephen Novelli), who picks up the odd piece of change from the parish priest by digging up bodies in the church graveyard and disposing of them so there’ll be room for the newly dead. We arrive as Mick is within distance of the lovely bones of his wife, Oona, who died, we learn, as the result of a “drink driving” accident seven years earlier with the poitin-addled Mick at the wheel. He paid his debt in prison, but returned home to be haunted by the rumor that he’d murdered her and used the accident to cover it up.

Assisting Mick is a local young miscreant and dimbulb, Mairtin (Jake Blouch), whose granny MaryJohnny (Ellen Mulroney), likes to saunter down to Mick’s cottage after a successful night of Bingo for a sip of the good stuff that Mick has aplenty, trade a little gossip, and nurse old resentments (she still has it in for the boys who, as five-year-olds, went “wee” on the concecrated ground of the graveyard. And for the children who called her names: “When I see them burned in hell, that’s when I let bygones be bygones,” she tells Mick). The fourth character is her other grandson, the local garda Tommy (Jered McLenigan) who makes Barney Fife look like a candidate for Mensa. At one point, when Mick makes a comment about Tommy’s having seen plenty of dead bodies, the copper admits that he hasn’t. “I would like there to be dead bodies flying about everywhere, but there never is,” he says wistfully.

As in many Irish plays, there are horrifying moments tempered by humor. In this one, it’s death that loses its sting to hilarity, much of it physical. The skull batterin’ is done to music—an insipid tune on a 45 record by a female Irish popstar whom Mairtin admits to fantasizing about.  And Mairtin’s other fantasies contribute to the laughs, as when he’s making two skulls kiss and one perform a sex act that we can’t describe here.

Jake Blouch as Mairtin occasionally loses his accent but never his comic timing. He brings such a wonderful childlike innocence to the character that it never occurs to you to wonder why you find this boy so adorable and funny even after he admits to cooking a live hamster in a microwave, wishing only that there had been a glass door so he actually could have seen what happened.

Stephen Novelli’s Mick is a finely nuanced character, acerbic as hell but nursing an inner turmoil that feeds the suspicion that his neighbors—particular the garda Tommy—are right about his wife’s death. Novelli hints at but doesn’t hit the audience over the head with the simmering violence inside him. Because he actually does hit someone else over the head, his guilt remains a question, but by the end you’re laughing so much it doesn’t really matter.

“A Skull in Connemara” is directed by M. Craig Getting and Kathryn MacMillan. The inventive set, which combines Mick’s home with the graveyard where he spends many minutes on stage digging into real dirt, is the work of scenic designer Dirk Durossette. And major props to the prop people on this production (Tim Martin is props designer). Every night, two plaster skeletons are smashed to smithereens and since the nearly sold-out play is extending its run through February 13, we figure that, including matinees, they’ve got more than 50 skeletons in their prop closet.

“A Skull in Connemara” is part of the Philadelphia Irish Theater Festival. Save 20 percent on tickets by ordering tickets to two or more plays at the Theatre Alliance of Greater Philadelphia website.

Arts, People

Review: Inis Nua’s “Pumpgirl”

Playwright Abbie Spallen

Northern Irish playwright Abbie Spallen was explaining how “Pumpgirl,” her award-winning play now in a two-week run at Philadelphia’s Adrienne Theater, can explore gang rape, infidelity, physical abuse, and suicide, and yet still get laughs.

“It’s the Northern Irish sense of humor,” said Spallen, a native of Newry, County Down, who appeared on the spare stage after the January 13 performance of her play, which is being produced by the Inis Nua Theatre Company. “People outside of Northern Ireland go, ‘Wow. That’s really mental.’ But it’s much darker than other humor, and it’s cruel. I have a friend who had a cold sore and had just had surgery on her foot. She walked into a bar with her crutches and then had to go to the bathroom. When she got back someone at the bar said, “Oh look, it’s hopalong herpes head’ and he didn’t even know her. There really isn’t any respect.”

But it’s clear that Spallen respects her characters, from the eponymous “pumpgirl,” Sandra (Sara Gliko), who works at the local petrol station in a Northern Irish border town, to her “pure class” lover, Hammy (Harry Smith), a part-time stock car racer whose moniker “No Helmet,” suggests that brain injury may be at least partially responsible for his oafish behavior, to Sinead (Corinna Burns), his long-suffering wife to whom Spallen gives her best lines. (“Sinead is me if I’d stayed in Newry,” Spallen confessed.) When Hammy slinks into bed beside her, Sinead notes that his lower lip puckers when he snores, something she used to find endearing but now makes her want to “put the hatchet through his head.”

In her monologue to the audience, Sinead wonders aloud: “How’s that for a country-and-western song, Hammy? I could call it, ‘And I’m Praying for a Female Judge.’” Spallen actually wrote two verses for the song which she sang for the Thursday night audience.

To Spallen, these three characters, who tell their stories in monologues, are “outsiders” in a place with a long history of intolerance for the different. The pumpgirl, described by one local as walking “like John Wayne” and looking “like his horse,” is frequently asked if she’s a boy or girl. (Gliko, who would never be mistaken for a boy, does manage to pull off “butch.”) Though his stock car wins ought to make Hammy the hometown hero, his name is butchered at the awards ceremony and his best mates ridicule him. One, an ex-con brute nicknamed Shawshank, is never seen but is an evil presence who orchestrates the ultimate betrayal. Sinead, the wife, is the sharpest of the three, funny, feisty, and full of potential that’s been snuffed by marriage to a callous, womanizing idiot.

The play is taut, made so by Spallen’s intent to reveal all to the audience before the characters themselves know what is happening. Spallen worked with the actors and with director Tom Reing during rehearsals, so this production may hit its mark better than some productions of “Pumpgirl” around the country. And it does hit its mark—as well as leave one.

Inis Nua Theatre Company’s “Pumpgirl” by Abbie Spallen will run through January 23, at the Adrienne Theater, 2030 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. Go to to order tickets. This play is one of eight Irish plays that make up Philadelphia’s first Irish Theater Festival. You can save 20% by ordering tickets to two or more plays at the website, .

Arts, News, People

“You Could Almost Feel the Sparks Crackling In the Air Around Her”

Melissa Lynch

Melissa Lynch

“When it’s over, I want to say all my life 
I was a bride married to amazement.
I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.
When it’s over, I don’t want to wonder
 if I have made of my life something particular, and real.
I don’t want to find myself sighing and frightened,
 or full of argument.
I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.”

~ Mary Oliver

Melissa Lynch wasn’t here long–she died in a car accident on December 30 at the age of 27–but no one would ever call her a visitor to this life. She grabbed it, embraced it, and, on occasion, frog-marched it where she wanted it to go.

A prolific actress—she appeared in more than 17 productions in Philadelphia—the Mayfair native was poised on the brink of her best year ever. She was engaged to be married on June 18 to William Seiler, a man, friends say, “she adored.” She had roles in four major plays, including one in which she was to play 8 different characters. Directors had started calling her. Even when she played smaller parts, reviewers couldn’t help taking note of her performances. In fact, said a college friend, Rebecca Godlove, “she could have a nonspeaking role in a play and still get noticed. In college, she played a mute child in a play and got rave reviews.”

Critics called her “dazzling,” “sparkling” and “luminous,” descriptions echoed by those who knew her, a powerful reminder of why actors have come to be called “stars.” But a reminder, too, that there are those among us who harbor an unquenchable inner light.

“She just radiates,” says Kathryn MacMillan who directed Lynch in her last play, the highly acclaimed production of Chekov’s “Uncle Vanya” for the Lantern Theatre Company. In fact, MacMillan says, she hesitated inviting Lynch to audition for the role she played, the “plain” Sonya, because Lynch was “too beautiful.

“She shone and there’s no dimming that and there’s no way I would want to,” said MacMillan. But MacMillan had seen Lynch play against type before—as the matted-haired, dirty invalid in Inis Nua Theatre Company’s production of “Bedbound,” a powerful work by Irish playwright Enda Walsh. “I could barely breathe all through that show, and yet through all the perfectly awful, disturbed misery, I found myself thinking, ‘she’s so amazing, she’s so amazing.’ For the first time I started to appreciate the range of things she could do. And I thought, if [Inis Nua artistic director] Tom Reing could make her ugly, why not?”

Her friend and frequent co-star, Doug Greene, who last appeared with Lynch in “The Duchess of Malfi” for the Philadelphia Artists’ Collective in September 2010, says that Lynch didn’t seek out the glamour roles, though they could have been hers for the asking. She was petite, with blue eyes and long blonde hair that she was perfectly willing to dye or hack if the character called for it. In “Bedbound” her face was smeared with sooty makeup and her usually sparkling teeth looked like a brush hadn’t been near them in a decade.

“She was a really beautiful girl and could have taken an easier road playing the beautiful girlfriend and wife, but she had a lot of depth as an actor and wasn’t satisfied just playing the girlfriend,” says Greene. Tellingly, though she was playing such a glamour role in “Duchess,” what reviewers saw in her portrayal of the conniving mistress of a Cardinal was “evil.”

But off stage, the only thing wicked about Melissa Lynch, her friends and colleagues say, was her sense of humor. “The first thing she would want me to say was that she was hilariously funny,” says Jared Michael Delaney, assistant artistic director of the Inis Nua Theatre Company, which produces modern plays from the UK and Ireland. “She had a really wicked and sharp sense of humor that could at times be terribly crude and at times incredibly clever.”

When her co-stars recall a performance with Lynch, it’s always marked by the memory of a recurring joke, usually made at their expense. Brian McCann, who played Lynch’s father in the poignant, violent, demanding play “Bedbound” last year, says she cracked him up before every performance when she would turn to him and mutter, “Now don’t f— this up for me.”

The other thing they recall is an outsized personality. “She was loud. She was opinionated. She loved to laugh and cause a scene. She could be as proper or as unladylike as you could imagine, depending on her mood,” her Clarion College classmate Rebecca Godlove wrote on her blog shortly after Lynch’s death.

And there was magic: “The girl was so passionate about everything you could almost feel the sparks crackling in the air around her,” Godlove wrote.

“I spent most of my time with her laughing and having a good time,” says Greene. “She was effervescent—and I don’t know too many people I would describe as effervescent. She had that ‘life of the party’ personality.”

She was also a true and loyal friend, a rare find in a world—the theater—that can be competitive, even cutthroat, and soul-crushing. “She was everything you want a friend to be—deeply loyal, but someone who would always tell you the truth, what you needed to hear whether you wanted to hear it or not,” says Delaney.

Many of those friends repaid that loyalty by waiting for hours on a cold winter evening in a line that stretched outside the Wetzel and Son Funeral Home in Rockledge and around the block, just to express their sorrow to Lynch’s family—father, Michael, mother, Madeline, and siblings Tina, Michael, Joseph and Theresa, and Lynch’s fiancé, Bill. And they were there the next day, at the gravesite in Whitemarsh Memorial Park in Horsham, where they joined her brother Joe in an impromptu and tearful version of “Danny Boy.”

Those who knew her as a friend admit that it’s been difficult coming to grips with the sudden finality of her death. “I’ve lost a lot of family members but this is the first friend,” says Delaney. “This is a new kind of grief for me personally.”

Those who knew her as a colleague, a co-star, or a character struggle with other feelings: Who will replace her? “To work with her is to love her instantaneously,” says MacMillan. “There are people who just saw her on stage and feel this loss. I know lots of actors who were looking forward to working with her. After ‘Uncle Vanya’ she came up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders and said, ‘I f’n love you. Can we do this again soon?’ And I said, ‘Yes, as soon as possible, please!’ I was so filled with the potential for this new friendship and a new collaborative relationship that I feel something important has been stolen from me, something that I wanted really bad.”

A remarkable, generous actress, Melissa Lynch was above all dedicated to her craft, one she chose as a child after seeing an ad for auditions for a local community theater. She starred in several musicals while she was a student at St. Hubert’s Catholic High School for Girls and in 25 productions while she was an acting major at Clarion.

“In school, most actors portrayed different intensities of themselves,” says Godlove. “Not Melissa. She had these moments of introspect when she was finding a character and it was magic. She could play anything and anyone. My last play in college was [Shakespeare’s] Henry V and the cast was almost all female. Melissa played Henry V and I played her comedic foil, her loyal Welsh sidekick who hated the Irish which was ironic since she played so many Irish roles. Watching her, you forgot she was a woman. You didn’t look at her and think, ‘that’s a girl playing a King.’ You thought, ‘that’s the young Henry V.”

Though she made it look seamless on stage, acting wasn’t effortless to Lynch. Inis Nua’s Tom Reing recalled her getting “crazed and panicked” by a part at first, “then she would see the humor in it and calm down.”

For her performance as a medical student in Inis Nua’s production of “Skin Deep,” by Paul Meade, Reing recalled, she had to jump rope while trying to memorize medical terms. “One day during rehearsals she came to me and said, very seriously, ‘Tom, I gotta talk to you.’ I thought she was going to tell me she got another gig with a bigger company, but she says, ‘I can’t jump rope.’ So she took the jump rope home and practiced memorizing her lines for that scene while jumping rope. I kept asking her about it and she said, ‘I’ll be ready for opening night, I’ll be ready for opening night.’ And she was.”

Lynch wasn’t above using the same methods that charmed critics and theater-goers to get what she wanted off stage either. Recalls Jared Delaney: “If she wanted something from you, you’d better do it. I wasn’t going to see her in her last play, ‘Uncle Vanya,’ because I don’t like the play and it’s 2-3 hours long. I told her, ‘Lynch, I’m sorry I can’t make it.’ She stood there looking at me, this tiny, beautiful blond girl. She put her hands on her hips and pointed at me and said, ‘You have to, I’m your girl.’”

He paused for a few seconds. “That’s why we’re dedicating the rest of our season to her,” he said softly. “She was our girl. And we loved her.”

See photos of Melissa Lynch both off-stage and on. Thanks to Doug Greene and the Lantern Theatre Company for their help in assembling these photos.