
Top 10 Irish Songs You’ve Never Heard

An image of a Leprechaun playing electric guitar.You think you’ve heard them all. We’re here to tell you otherwise, Mister Smarty Breeches Full of Stitches.

From the home office in Horseleap, County Offaly, the official Top 10 Irish Songs You’ve Never Heard:

1.  Black Velcro Band. She just doesn’t want to lose that band.
2.  I’ll Tell Me Grandma. Ma never listens to me, anyway.
3.  Danny Man. An Irish fella with a Peter Pan complex.
4.  Dirtiest Old Town. Fresno.
5.  I Knew My Love. Until she threw me over for a tennis pro.
6.  I Wish That I Was Never Wed. OK, you’ve heard this one, but now you know why.
7.   It’s a Long Way to Kensington and Allegheny. But make a left turn at St. Adalbert’s Rectory, cross Aramingo and Frankford, and you’re there.
8.   Kelly the Boy From Kensington and Allegheny. Hey, do we really have to tell you how to find that guy?
9.   Smoggy Dew. Fresno, again.
10. Molly Maloneski. “Crying, pierogis and galumpkis, alive, alive, oh …”

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