How to Be Irish in Philly

How to Be Irish in Philly This Week

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A belated happy birthday to William Butler Yeats. The Irish poet would have turned 148 this week. He captured the homesickness those far away feel about Ireland:

“I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart’s core.”

This is an unusually Irish week in the Philadelphia area. This Saturday is the Penn-Mar Irish Festival in Glen Rock, near York. Headlining on stage will be The Elders from Kansas City with the Screaming Orphans from dear old Donegal. There are vendors, activities for the kiddies (who get in free), Irish dancers and Irish food.

Blackthorn is playing at YachtStock Riverjam on Saturday night. It’s happening at the West End Boat Club in Essington.

You can catch the Shantys at Paddywacks in Philadelphia on Saturday afternoon.

Black 47, the NY-based Celtic rock band fronted by Larry Kirwan, will be performing on Saturday night at Fran’s Pub in New Hope.

And Jamison will be at Curran’s in the Tacony section of Philadelphia on Satruday night as well.

Sunday is Bloomsday at the Rosenbach Museum on Delancy Place in Philadelphia. Starting at noon Joyce enthusiasts from all walks of life bring the novel, “Ulysses,” to life by reading sections aloud. Among the readers are BBC’s Frank Delaney, Bill McLaughlin (founder of the Irish American Business Chamber and Network) and his daughter, Morgan, and Fergus Carey of Fergie’s Pub and other popular drinking establishments.

Speaking of Fergie, his wife, Christine Chisolm, has a month-long show of her photographs at stadler-Kahn, the store at 17th and Sansom.

And speaking of Bill McLaughlin, the Irish American Business Chamber will be celebrating its 14th year on Thursday, June 20, at the Corinthian Yacht Club in Essington.

But before we get ahead of ourselves, there’s more this weekend. Celtic Women is at the Mann Center—beautiful women, beautiful voices, killer instrumentalists. Sounds like a perfect gift for Father’s Day.

Or maybe Dad would prefer Jeana Leslie and Siobhan Miller, two Scottish musicians, who will be performing with Aaron Jones, front man for The Old Blind Dogs, are performing on Sunday at the Blue Ball Barn in Alapocas Run State Park in Wilmington.

Kildare’s is calling Monday “St. Practice Day.” Along with your Irish nachos, you get free Irish dancers because it’s the 17th.

And speaking of practice, try out your dance steps—or learn a few—at a special sean nos Irish dancing workshop with noted sean nos (meaning old style) dancer Keiran Jordan, who grew up in the Philadelphia area but now makes her home in Boston. That’s happening at the Irish Center, thanks to the Philadelphia Ceili Group.

On Wednesday, there’s an important meeting at the Irish Center. Ciaran Staunton of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform will be explaining the immigration reform proposals now before Congress. Before you make up your mind to tell your legislator to vote yay or nay, listen to Staunton and get your questions answered. The program is free and starts at 8 PM.

Wednesday is also Irish Heritage Night at the Camden RiverSharks at Campbell Stadium. Check our calendar for promo codes to get $5 or $8 tickets.

Love to have tea with an Irish minister? That’s a government, not a church minister. Irish Minister of State at the Department of Health Alex White is paying a visit to the Irish Center on Friday morning for tea and conversation. You need to RSVP at 610-789-6355 by June 17.

Then, clear the decks for Saturday’s awesome first annual Philadelphia Fleadh, featuring four music stages (everyone from the Young Dubliners to Blackthorn, Jamison, and the Bogside Rogues, to the John Byrne Band and some fabulous local Irish session musicians, and even a passel of DJs) for an all-day Irish lovefest in Pennypack Park.

Check out our calendar for all the gory details.

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