
Farewell to Paul J. Phillips, Jr.

Paul J. Phillips, Jr.

Paul J. Phillips, Jr.

He is being remembered as the “backbone and moral conscience of our Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade Board.” Paul J. Phillips, Jr., passed away on Tuesday at the age of 89. His death follows by less than two weeks the passing of another longtime parade board member Philip E. “Knute” Bonner.

“If you look up the word ‘gentleman’ in the dictionary, you will see a photo of Paul,” wrote parade director Michael Bradley in a remembrance on the parade website. “He was very proud of his Bishop Neumann High School Class of 1941 roots and the Grays Ferry section of South Philly.  Paul was on more boards and knew more priests and nuns than anyone I have ever known.  He was kind to everyone and always had good advice when you needed it.  We are all better people for having known Paul.”

We’ll have more to share about this gentle man, but for now let use share some of our memories in pictures.

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