Dance, Music, News

2012 Mid-Winter Scottish & Irish Festival

Neil Anderson of Rathkeltair

Neil Anderson of Rathkeltair

No high winds, no snow, no ice … late March proved to be a bright, sunny way to celebrate Scottish and Irish heritage. (The festival has been held in February in past years.) The bands played, the dancers danced, the vendors vended.

And of course, there was plenty of Celtic-tinged food and drink for all. (We love the MacDougall Irish Victory Cakes.)

Festival-goers also experienced an entirely new, lighter and brighter layout at the Scanticon Conference Center in Valley Forge, soon to be the Valley Forge Convention Center Casino.

All told, a great way to close out St. Patrick’s month.

We dropped by on Sunday and put together a packed little photo essay. Hope it gives you a feeling for the weekend.

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