Dance, News, People, Sports

They DID Dance Like Stars

It had everything you could have wanted from a star-studded evening worthy of the Red Carpet: Talented performers, beautiful costumes, and even a wardrobe malfunction.

Don’t expect anything titillating. It was only Pat Bourke’s Elvis wig that came off during his final dance number with Carmel Donaghy who, in her white halter top and peroxide-blond Marilyn wig, did a more than fair impression of the ‘50s bombshell.

Delco Gaels coach Pat Bourke as Elvis with partner, Carmel "Marilyn Monroe" Donaghy

By any measure, the Delaware County Gaels Gaelic sports organization’s “Dancing Like a Star” fundraiser last Friday at Springfield Country Club was a rousing success. With more than 700 people in attendance at $40 a person and votes for the eight dancing couples costing $1 a pop, it appeared to be the mother of all fundraisers, sure to spawn a few copycats in the coming months.

The 16 volunteer dancers started practicing in January—some five days a week—and it showed. There were a few stumbles, one or two feet got stomped, and there was the wig incident, but the evening showcased grit, determination, and some real talent.

We were there, had a ball, and took lots of photos so you can be there virtually yourself.

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