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We Need a “Little Christmas”

Having a great time: Irish Immigration Center Executive Director Siobhan Lyons and Irish Center President Vince Gallagher, who co-sponsored the event.

Roast pork, mashed potatoes, Geraldine Quiqq’s legendary salads, and Mary Crossan’s scone–if that doesn’t bring them in, nothing will.

This delicious lunch was part of the Little Christmas celebration for seniors at the Irish Center on January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany, which is always celebrated in Ireland. Traditionally, it’s when you take your tree and trimmings down. But the only “work” the attendees did was fill their plates at the buffet–and a few did a little dancing to tunes from the Vince Gallagher band.

We were there and took photos, which we’re sharing with you here.

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