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2012 St. Patrick’s Day Parade Grand Marshal Named

John J. Dougherty, left, with Parade Director Michael Bradley at the parade.

John Dougherty, AKA “Johnny Doc,” business manager of Philadelphia’s powerful electricians’ union Local 98, has been selected as Grand Marshal of the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The parade theme this year is “St. Patrick, Bless the American Worker.”

Dougherty is a long-time supporter—financially and otherwise—of the St. Patrick’s Day parade. His union marches in force, usually accompanied by a pipe band and dancers, and funds the pre-parade party held at the offices of CBS3, which televises the parade live. Union members also donate money and their time to a variety of causes and organizations, including the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the Variety Club, Habitat for Humanity, the Police Athletic league, the Gary Papa Prostate Cancer Run, the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, Magee Rehabilitation Hospital and others.

In addition to becoming the youngest business manager in the history of Local 98 (at 33 in 1993), Dougherty has been president of the Philadelphia Mechanical Trades Council, vice president of the Philadelphia Building Trades Council, vice president of the Philadelphia AFL-CIO, chair of the board of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, and Commissioner of the Delaware River Port Authority, among others.

“I’ve never met anyone who helps more people than John,” says Parade Director Michael Bradley. “He’s done more for the parade than anyone else. That alone would qualify him, but he’s done so much more. His work in the Irish community is legendary. He supports every Irish cause, he supports the neighborhood, he’s done a great job with local 98, with the Variety Club—he brought them back from bankruptcy. And the political arena–he’s probably the most powerful unelected leader in Philadelphia today.”

In 2003, Dougherty was named to PoliticsPA’s “Power 50” list of politically influential people in Pennsylvania and in 2010 “Politics Magazine” called him one the most influential Democrats in the state. His own foray into the arena wasn’t successful—he didn’t win the vacant state senate seat of Vincent Fumo in 2008—but he has successful marshaled his union’s clout and money behind other winning candidates. The latest, Bobby Henon, his longtime aide, who Tuesday won Joan Krajewski’s seat on Philadelphia City Council. Dougherty and the union also backed two other winners: incumbent at-large candidate Bill Green and newcomer Mark Squilla.

This wasn’t the first time Dougherty’s name came up as a potential grand marshal, says Bradley. “But he’s turned down the honor so many times, even being nominated. He finally said he would allow himself to be nominated and we were thrilled. He’s the perfect choice. We have excellent candidates all the time and he really stands out. And he really ties in with our theme this year.”

Dougherty tends to “revel in his bad boy image,” says Bradley, with a laugh. “But there’s a whole lot of good stuff going on there that he doesn’t let you tell people. He’s a very complex, a very bright man, and one of my favorite people I’ve ever met on this earth. I’m proud to call him a friend.”

The Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade is scheduled for Sunday, March 11, 2012.

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