Arts, Dance, Music

A Festival of Videos

Dan Isaacson

Dan Isaacson in concert with his band Simple System.

A lot can happen in three days and nights.

And let’s be honest, we couldn’t be everywhere, my partner Lori Lander Murphy and I.

Or could we …

Looking at the videos we collected at the 2011 Philadelphia Ceili Group Festival, it certainly seems like we must have violated some of the fundamental laws of space and time.

You are traveling through another dimension—a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s a signpost up ahead… Your next stop: The Twilight Zone!

OK, so maybe it wasn’t as far out as all that.

But we think it was still cool.

You decide:

Here ‘s this year’s video playlist.

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