News, People

Party Before the Parade

CBS3's parade team members, anchor Susan Barnett and meteorologist Kathy Orr.

As always, it was a great party, the calm—sort of—before the storm that is the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Philadelphia which marches down the Parkway on Sunday, March 13.

But CBS3 meteorologist Kathy Orr told the happy crowd at the CBS3 studios on Thursday night that they can leave their umbrellas at home. But dress warm. “It’s going to be cold, but dry,” she said to great cheers. These were the people who marched in the rain last year, so cold seems like a step up.

John Dougherty of IBEW Local Union 98—the electricians—underwrites the pre-parade party at the CBS3 studios every year. The parade is televised live on CBS and usually repeated again on St. Patrick’s Day on CBS3 and sister station, CW Philly.

You can see who was there and what fun was had in our photo essay.

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