
Mayos Get Spring Off to a Good Start

Michael Gallagher plays on.

Michael Gallagher plays on.

They told jokes. They sang “Lady of Knock” and “Danny Boy” and, for reasons having nothing to do with Mayo or Ireland, “My Way” and “On the Way to Cape May.” And they danced—oh, how they danced.

Sister James Anne Feerick, I.H.M., the association’s chaplain, was all alone out on the floor as she danced to “The Boys of Blue Hill” played on accordion by Michael Gallagher. Before too long, though, several members were up on their feet and giving Sister a run for her money.

Mostly, though, members of the Mayo Association of Philadelphia just tucked into their luncheon and caught up on the craic as they gathered on Sunday at C.J. McGee’s in Springfield, Delaware County, for their annual Spring Social.
Running the whole shindig was Maureen Brett Saxon.

Along with all the merry-making, the group took time to recognize past president Frank Cantwell with the Mayo crystal tulip bowl. Michael J. Bradley Jr. was honored with the “Cutting Edge” award for his work as chair of the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee.

The event was noteworthy, too, for its first annual Mayo Academy Awards, a strictly tongue-in-cheek version of the annual Hollywood love feast.

Here’s who won what:

Best Vocals

  • Rosaleen Megonegal
  • Tommy Moffit

Best Music

  • John Durkin
  • Michael Gallagher
  • James Feerick
  • Patricia Sweeney

Best Narration (for the association’s 100th-anniversary CD)

  • Frank Cantwell

Production (for the same)

  • Sean McMenamin
  • Joe Boyle

Director (also for the history CD)

  • Sister James Anne

Check out our party pics.

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