
Gather Ye Rosebuds

On June 22, first grade teacher Christine Frawley of Yardley will hand over her tiara and sash to a new “Rose of Tralee” who will compete with Roses from Ireland to Australia at the popular international festival held every year in Tralee, County, Kerry Ireland. It’s one of the most-watched shows on Irish television and draws big-name celebrity guests. In Philadelphia, the Rose is selected at a dinner-dance in the Grand Ballroom of the Hyatt Penn’s Landing, this year on Friday, June 22.

But the Rose candidates don’t meet for the first time in their ball gowns. On Sunday, June 3, they met at a tea given in their honor at the Glen Mills home of Tom and Mary Conaghan. Tom Conaghan is executive director of the Irish Immigration and Pastoral Center in Upper Darby, the nonprofit organization that helps Irish immigrants with housing, employment and immigration issues and sponsors the Rose of Tralee pageant. The Rose of Tralee Selection Ball is the IAPC’s sole annual fundraiser.

This year, the organizers have added a little extra zip to the pageant: the Rosebuds, girls 13 and under who will attend to the Rose candidates during the ceremony. “This is something they’ve done in other cities and we decided to add it this year,” says Rose candidate coordinator Karen Conaghan.

Cuteness and beauty–it should be an unbeatable combination.

The 6th Annual Philadelphia Rose of Tralee Selection Ball will be held on Friday, June 22, at the Hyatt Penn’s Landing. Cocktails start at 7 PM, dinner and dancing at 8 PM. Music will be provided by the Andy Cooney Band.

Tickets are $100 and include dinner and open bar all night. They must be purchased in advance. To order yours, call 610-789-6355.

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