
“Little Christmas” Lunch at the Irish Center

Jane and Barney

Jane and Barney

January 6, The Feast of the Epiphany, is a miraculous holiday in Irish circles. Also known as “Nollaig na mBan” or “Little Women’s Christmas, the best part of the miracle is that tradition commands the male of the species to take over the housework for the day. And the women get to kick back and relax.

So with great epiphanous thought, The Irish Center’s Sean McMenamin invited The Immigration Center’s lovely-ladies-who-lunch to observe their weekly tradition chez Commodore Barry Club for their Little Women’s Christmas.

With a fire roaring, Vince Gallagher’s band playing and food aplenty, over 40 people packed the house for the afternoon. Guests new and returning enjoyed themselves while not lifting a finger in servitude.

“I used to come out to The Irish Center all the time, but I haven’t been here in about 10 years,” Maureen Baker disclosed. “And when I got the email from The Immigration Center, I thought it would be a great event to come to.”

The Immigration Center’s Director, Siobhan Lyons, is planning more of these affairs: “We’re going to be partnering up with The Irish Center to run events up here monthly. Anyone who would like to be added to our mailing list, please visit our Web site at”

Sean McMenamin had a nostalgic surprise on hand at the luncheon as well: old photos and ephemera from the early days of The Irish Center. Pictures of the 1965 Miss Mayo contestants and a 1941 All Ireland Ball program were just a few of the items on display. With the newly renovated library set for a grand opening on St. Patrick’s Day, there are plenty more materials like those waiting to be viewed. And if anyone has any old photos to share, particularly from the period 1946-1966, please contact Sean.

All in all, a pleasing official end to the Christmas season. Check out our photos…and as a special bonus, we have a video of harpist Grainne Hambly playing two tunes she dedicated to Nollaig na mBan during Teada’s recent concert.

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