How to Be Irish in Philly

How to Be Irish in Philly This Week

We’re baaaaa-aaaaaaaack!!!

All website woes finally resolved and ready to tell you where to go.

Wait a minute … that might have come out wrong.

Kind of a lean week, but given the circumstances, perfectly understandable. Just about everything has been pushed online these days.

Nevertheless, no reason not to be Irish, is there? 

Friday, December 4

One of the things we miss most about pre-covid times is the First Friday Session at the Irish Center in Mount Airy, led by fiddler Hollis Payer. However, the show must go on, and it does, via Zoom, starting at 8 p.m. If you want to join in, check out the details on this Facebook page:

Saturday, December 5

You can take in Whelan Master Sessions #4, hosted by accordion player John Whelan and featuring one of our premier fiddlers, Brian Conway. It’s a Zoom concert starting at 5 p.m. Listen, play along or chew the fat. There’s a $20 donation. To get more details, visit this page on Facebook:

Monday, December 7

Compare the music of Ireland and bluegrass—bluegrass has its roots in Celtic culture, of course. The program is called “Greengrass and Bluegrass,” and it’s hosted by the Irish Diaspora Center, starting at 7 p.m. Registration is required. Find the details here:

Tuesday, December 8

The wondrous Mary Courtney is back for one of her weekly Facebook concerts. If you haven’t heard Mary, you’re truly missing one of the greatest ever. She usually takes to the web on Fridays, so please note the date change. The title of this week’s concert: “Music My Mother Would Not Like.” Consider our interest piqued. Catch her act here at 8 p.m.:

That’s all, folks. Catch you next time. For now, please be safe.

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