
Do You Hear Singing in the Library?

The beautiful Sarah Agnew making beautiful music.

The beautiful Sarah Agnew making beautiful music.

By Gwyneth MacArthur

On October 13, 2007, Sarah Agnew and some talented companions performed a benefit concert for the Bucks County Celtic Library. Organized and MCed by the library’s Tom Slattery, who did a wonderful storytelling performance, this annual event was held in the beautiful auditorium of Bucks County Community College.

The audience was treated to a reception afterwards that featured foods from Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.

On display were plentiful books, CDs, and videos from the Celtic Library’s collection, covering such things as cooking, art, poetry and history. Many looked so interesting that, lacking my library card, this photographer was caught by a lady librarian actually photographing pages of Irish poetry! (Don’t tell my kids!)

The entire collection is cataloged online and everything is available through interlibrary loan. Meaning that if you see something you like, you don’t have to make a trip to get it. It will be delivered right to your own local library! Although I suspect that the trip is well worth the effort, just for the chance to put your hands on so many interesting treasures in one place.

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