Columns, How to Be Irish in Philly

How to Be Irish in Philly This Week

St. Peter’s Lutheran Church is holding its annual Boar’s Head and Yule Log event (see last week’s How to Be Irish), featuring a cast of more than 200 and the Cameron Highlanders, on Saturday at various times. Get there early–this holiday celebration filled with pomp and music is a must on many lists every year. There will be crowds.

On Saturday night, at the AOH Hall in Bristol, three great local Irish bands– the Bogside Rogues, the Shantys and the Birmingham Six–will be performing at a benefit for Project Children, a program started by a New York City police officer to bring Protestant and Catholic children to the US for some respite from the violence. Ticket price of $25-$30 covers everything, including food, beer, and soda. Doors open at 7 PM.

For those who never get tired of hearing Karen Boyce sing (count us in), her group Causeway is reuniting for a performance at Brittingham’s on Friday night. The show starts at 9 PM.

Looking ahead: Four great musicians will be performing the traditional music of Cavan-born Philadelphia composer Ed Reavy Sr. at the Irish Center on January 19. Make sure you go to our calendar and have it send you a notice, put it on your calendar, or text you on your phone (it can do all that!). This is a not-to-be-missed event.

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