Food & Drink

Wanted: The Best Irish Stew in Philadelphia

The 4th Annual Great Irish Stew Cook-Off, sponsored by the Philadelphia Hibernian Hunger Project will be held on Thursday, March 13, from 6 p.m. ‘til 9 p.m. at Finnegan’s Wake on Spring Garden Street. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Hibernian Hunger Project’s Cook-In, being held on Saturday, March 29, at the Aid for Friends facility in Northeast Philly.

The Hibernian Hunger Project got its start right here in Philadelphia in March of 2000 and, since that time, more than 67,500 individual and bulk meals have been prepared, packaged and delivered to organizations like Aid for Friends, the Philadelphia Veterans Multi-Service & Education Center, St. John’s Hospice, and others that feed the elderly, homeless and less fortunate. The Hibernian Hunger Project is now a national charity of the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
We are challenging Philadelphia area restaurants and pubs to join in the Spirit of Saint Patrick’s Day and help the less fortunate, while competing for the bragging rights to “Philadelphia’s Best Irish Stew. Previous winners have included the Plough and the Stars Restaurant (2004), McFadden’s Restaurant – Old City (2006) and Chef Josh Landau of Colleen’s on the Parkway (2007).

Amateur winners have included Jude Fanning of AOH Division 39, Phil Bowdren of AOH Division 51 and Ann Marie Parkinson & Kathy Higgins of LAOH Division 1. Past Celebrity Judges have included CBS 3’s Larry Mendte & Bob Kelly.
The event is open to the public and, for a $5 donation; you will have the opportunity to sample some of the greatest Irish Stews made in Philly.
For more information on the event or to register for the competition, please contact:
Ed Dougherty – Hibernian Hunger Project National Chairman @ 215-338-4315
Donna Donnelly – Philadelphia Hibernian Hunger Project Cochairperson @ 215-964-7830
Phil Bowdren – Philadelphia Hibernian Hunger Project Publicity Chair @ 267-254-2219 or

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