
There’s a New Marshal In Town

The grand marshal and his family.

The grand marshal and his family.

The Grand Marshal’s Ball for the 2008 Saint Patrick’s Parade in Conshohocken took place on Saturday Night (March 8) at the Jeffersonville Banquet Hall with 230 family, friends and fellow members of the AOH, LAOH and Philadelphia Emerald Society.

The night opened up with Father Bier leading the opening prayer. Sara Agnew sang the Soldier’s Song and led the pledge of allegiance. Pete Hand was then escorted into the hall by Irish Thunder Pipes & Drums.

Once in the hall, after a couple of tunes, Pete was given the honors of Grand Marshal. The 2007 Grand Marshal Ed Halligan turned over the Sash and shillellagh to Pete.

Attending the event were several AOH officers, including Ed Halligan, Jim Murphy, Tom Couglin Sr. and Tom Jr., Kenny Young, LAOH officers Rae DiSpaldo. and Eileen Kaufman. President Harry Marnie and board of directors of the Philadelphia were also present.

The Saint Patrick’s Parade in Conshohocken will take place this Saturday March 15th beginning at 2 p.m., starting at 11th and Fayette.

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