Columns, How to Be Irish in Philly

How To Be Irish in Philly This Week

As usual, there are a couple of things we’d like to do this weekend that are going on at the same time. Ah well, it’s not such a bad thing to have an embarrassment of riches.

On tap for Friday night, County Cork’s Liam O’Riordan from the Irish group, Trad Roots, will be appearing at the Trinity Irish Pub and the Pier at Caesar’s in Atlantic City. Don’t worry if you miss him—he’ll be appearing again on April 20 at Emmett’s Place in Philadelpiha and on April 24 at The Shanachie Pub and Restaurant with local (but formerly of County Clare) musician Fintan Malone. We heard Liam about a year ago when Trad Roots made an all-too-brief appearance in the Delaware Valley, and he’s amazing.

On Saturday between 5 and 7 PM, the Irish-American Democrats are holding a rally for Hillary Clinton at Finnigan’s Wake in Philadelphia, featuring Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley and New York Congressman Joe Crowley. Primary Day is Tuesday—don’t forget to vote. This is an historic election.

Also on Saturday, you can hear the remarkable voice of Terry Kane at her CD release party at McCoole’s in Quakertown. Kane will be performing with the group, Trad Linn to celebrate their debut CD, “The Roads of Clare.” See our story.

On Saturday night, the Coatesville Irish Music Series presents three superb musicians—Dana Lyn, Tina Lech, and Donna Long—in concert.

And on Thursday night, don’t forget to catch the latest in the Irish Film Series at the Irish Center—“Bloody Sunday,” about the 1972 clash between the British Army and Irish protestors in Derry that left 14 people dead. See our review.

As usual, you’ll find all the details on our calendar, the only one in the world blessed by the Pope. (Was that lightning I just saw?)

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