Food & Drink

Irish Coffee Rivalry Brewing at AOH Division 1

The 2007 judges: from left, Jack Brennan, Ed Halligan, Seamus Dougherty, and Verne Leedom.

The 2007 judges: from left, Jack Brennan, Ed Halligan, Seamus Dougherty, and Verne Leedom.

Who makes the most bracing brew of all?

Our friends at AOH Notre Dame Division No. 1 will put it to the test Thursday, March 13, in the club’s Annual Irish Coffee contest. The event kicks off at 7 p.m. at the division hall at 342 Jefferson Street in Swedesburg, Upper Merion Township.

Nine candidates will be fighting for bragging rites for 2008. Last year’s winner, Bridgeport Rib House, will return to defend their title. Chick’s Tavern, the 2006 winner, is hoping for a comeback. Others contestants include: Screwballs, Spams, American Pub, Boathouse, Elks, Swedesburg Fire House and Guppy’s.

Five judges will decide on the best-tasting coffee. The judges are: Pete Hand, 2008 Grand Marshal of the Conshohocken St. Patrick’s parade; and Verne Leedom, Jim Murphy, Jim Cahill, and Jim Dougherty, all past grand marshals. Parade chairman Jim Gallagher will make any decisions on tie-breakers.

The tasting is only part of the judging. Contestants also will be vying for “best presentation.” In previous years, contestants have gone all out on presentations.

Winners will receive the first place plaque, plus a place in the line of march in the Conshohocken St. Patrick’s Parade that takes place on March 15. Second- and third-place finishers also will be honored.

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