Columns, How to Be Irish in Philly

How To Be Irish in Philly This Week

There’s plenty of music this week in case you find you’ve had enough of Gaelic sports (we never feel that way–most action-packed games in the world!).

Of course, the 2008 Continental Gaelic Youth Championships are being held in Malvern all weekend. But on Saturday night, Galway banjo player Angelina Carberry and her husband, Martin Quinn, will be appearing at the Coatesville Cultural Society.

Team Ratty Shoes is holding its second Benefit for Hope at Brittinghams in Lafayette Hill on Sunday. These folks, fans of Blackthorn (they got their name from a Blackthorn song), participate each year in the MS Walk to raise money for multiple sclerosis research. For your $30 donation, you get free eats and beer, plus music and the knowledge that you enjoyed yourself for a very good cause.

On Wednesday, The Young Dubliners are appearing at the Sellersville Theater. We’ve heard that very few people are able to stay in their seats when the group plays. We’re going to catch them next time around.

Speaking of Blackthorn, the local Celtic rockers will be giving at free concert at Rosetree Park in Media on Thursday. Always a good time. Bring your own seats, even if you don’t stay in them.

Coming up next week: the Irish Thunder will be banging the drum quickly at Valley Forge Park and there’s a hurling match scheduled for the weekend.

Meanwhile, please visit our calendar for all the details. And while you’re there, you might want to buy it a pint for all the good work it does for you

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