
Video Special: Philly’s Irish Dancers Step Out

Getting ready to compete.

Getting ready to compete.

You’ll be eating turkey in the comfort of your own home. The hordes of Irish dancers competing in the Mid-Atlantic Regional Oireachtas will be downing their Thanksgiving feast in a Center City hotel or one of the surrounding restaurants. Maybe that’s the Irish dance equivalent of carbo loading.

Whatever, they’ll have a couple of days to work off all that stuffing and pumpkin pie. Once the competition starts, those kids (well, most of them are kids) will be dancing their legs off pretty much non-stop. When they’re not competing in the halls, they’ll be practicing in the hallways.

In celebration of this high-stepping festival, we put together a playlist of over 30 videos highlighting Irish dance in the Philadelphia area. We’ve tried to show every school. If we’ve missed any, let us know, and we’ll see if we have a video in our now vast collection. If it’s there, we’ll add it.

Happy watching!

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