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Big Night for the Mayo Association

Kathleen Paulson, center; Katelyn D'Adamo, first runner-up, left; Miss Mayo 2009 Caitlyn Lotty; and Laura Clinton, second runner-up.

Kathleen Paulson, center; Katelyn D'Adamo, first runner-up, left; Miss Mayo 2009 Caitlyn Lotty; and Laura Clinton, second runner-up.

Early in the night, the crew at the Philadelphia Irish Center was rolling out extra tables. As the night wore on, if you had a tray full of drinks, you’d have a hard time making your way through the hordes of dancers that filled the floor.

That was the scene at the hugely successful 2010 Mayo Association of Philadelphia Ball last Saturday night. It was a night that saw the crowning of the new Miss Mayo, Kathleen Paulson, an accounting major at Neumann University, and the presentation of the President’s Award to Sister James Anne Feerick, I.H.M.

It’s hard to tell which was the greater highlight, so we’ll say both were. Sister James Anne is the longtime chaplain of the Mayos, a seasoned Catholic school educator and also a pretty fair dancer. (You’ll see her photos in our Flickr essay.) In addition to Ms. Paulson, the Mayo Association also named Katelyn D’Adamo first runner-up and Laura Clinton second runner-up.

As we say, we have a bunch of photos from the night, plus a neat little video of Olivia Hilpl’s Rince Ri School dancers, who performed for the crowd.

Check them out.

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