
A Much-Needed Boost for the Parade

A timely donation worth cheering for.

A timely donation worth cheering for.

The Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade got a nice little shot in the arm this week.
U.S. Rep. Bob Brady, cable tycoon “Gerry” Lenfest and Joey Vento (he of Geno’s steaks) have come up with a large wad of cash that will help the city’s ethnic parades and festivals—including the St. Pat’s parade—offset some of its setup and cleanup costs.

The Greater Philadelphia Traditions Fund is what it’s called. According to the Inquirer, the fund has coughed up $200,000 for 2011 costs, with the $100,000 set pledged (so far) for 2012. What’s more, the story noted, the funds “will include reimbursement for expenses in 2009 and 2010.”

All of which came as welcome news to Michael F. Callahan, president of the board of the St. Patrick’s Day Observance Association.

“The way I understand it, this is for the City of Philadelphia’s costs, which include police and sanitation, the healthiest amount of costs,” said Callahan. “It also includes the EMT (emergency medical crews) costs as well.” Callahan estimates that the Traditions Fund donation could pare $30,000 to $35,000 off the costs of the parade.

That doesn’t mean the parade has anything like a free ride. Quite the contrary. “It costs about $110,000 to put the (St. Patrick’s Day) parade out,” Callahan said. “The costs just add up. So if they’re paying for $30,000 to $35,000, we still have to come up with the balance. We’re very grateful for their efforts. They’re allies of the ethnic traditions in the city. But we still need to get out there and beat the streets in tough economic times.”

Callahan credited Brady in particular for shepherding the deal through: “He’s a guy who gets things done, no doubt about it. He stepped up and said we needed a powerful voice, someone who has the ear of the money people and the people in City Hall. He was a godsend.”

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