
Making Musical Memories

Between numbers: Angelina Carberry and Martin Quinn.

Between numbers: Angelina Carberry and Martin Quinn.

If you missed Friday night’s concert with tenor banjo player Angelina Carberry and button accordionist Martin Quinn, you missed an opportunity to hear a particularly pure form of traditional Irish music.

This is not a slam against the Irish supergroups and other, perhaps more commercial Celts, who often blend other forms of music into the traditional. Hey, there’s lots of room in our big music tent.

But there were moments during the Carberry-Quinn performance—many moments, in fact—when it seemed like you were hearing the music in a raw, unadorned form, when the lily was unquestionably ungilded.

Carberry, with her distinctive percussive style, and Quinn, with his long, lingering chords, took Irish Center listeners on a journey back to the source. Angelina and Martin made me feel like I was sitting in a bar in Doolin or Westport.

Adding to the enjoyment was Angelina’s 11-year-old daughter Shawna, who sat in on fiddle for a couple of numbers.

We’ve preserved many of those moments for you—including an impromptu traditional music session that sprang up post-concert.

Check it all out:     

Check out the videos:

A Blazing Set of Reels

Angelina Carberry and Martin Quinn Play “The Princess Royal”

Button Box Player Martin Quinn Sits in at a Philadelphia Irish Music Session

Reel Time With Angelina Carberry, Daughter Shawna, and Martin Quinn

A Set of Jigs Featuring Angelina Carberry, Daughter Shawna and Martin Quinn

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