
You Go, Girls!

The Mairead Farrells posing with their hard-won cup.

The Mairead Farrells posing with their hard-won cup.

When two great teams meet on the field, the winners are always the folks on the sidelines who are treated to a nail-biting display of athleticism and strategy that they know can always go either way.

But when the Maired Farrells ladies junior footballers came back from half-time during Sunday’s championship round with the Notre Dames, there was no doubt about it—these women had jets they hadn’t turned on yet.

This relatively new team barreled to victory—and they did it despite heat, humidity, rain, and mud. Or, maybe, because of it.

We were there for this exciting game that won the Mairead Farrells the Sean P. Cawley Cup as Philadelphia’s regional championships and earned them a spot on the schedule at the GAA Nationals in Boston over the Labor Day weekend.

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