
Calling All Irish Girls

Two of the area’s county organizations are looking for a few good Irish girls to represent them.

 The Mayo Association of Philadelphia is sponsoring the Miss Mayo Pageant, which will be held during the  104th annual Mayo Ball at the Irish Center on Saturday, November 7.

 Miss Mayo must be between the ages of 17 and 27, of Irish extraction or birth.  Contestants are judged on their character, integrity, poise, community involvement, appearance and awareness of their cultural identity. 

 Miss Mayo receives a roundtrip ticket to Ireland and other gifts. She represents the Mayo Association throughout 2010 at the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade, the Mayo Christmas Party, Social, the Our Lady of Knock Mass, and other events sponsored by the society.

If you have questions about the pageant please contact Pauline at 610-955-8411 or Olivia at 215-715-8778

To fill out a Miss Mayo application, go to the associations’s website.  

 The Donegal Association sponsors the Mary from Dungloe pageant at its ball, this year scheduled for November 28 at the Irish Center. It’s open to young women 20-25 who are either Irish born or of Irish descent. The winner represents the association in the St. Patrick’s Day parade and other events, and goes to Ireland to compete in the international Mary from Dungloe competition.

 To apply, contact Michelle Mack at  215-518-3403 or Marie Gallagher at 610-299-9355. There Is an application online at the group’s website. 

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