
Wildwood Daze 2009

Her name is Erin (of course!). She was one of many festival-goers at the annual pipe band exhibition.

Her name is Erin (of course!). She was one of many festival-goers at the annual pipe band exhibition.

Sun and fluffy clouds. A cool breeze off the beach. A band, one of many Irish bands from the Delaware Valley, pounding out tunes in the music tent. Curly fries and pulled pork. Pitchers of beer. Bagpipe bands circling up and playing in the street. Kids (and not a few older folks) in silly hats and green Mardi Gras beads.

For many of us who have been to the North Wildwood Irish Fall Festival, it was groundhog day. We’d seen it all before, this exhuberant farewell to summer at the shore. Which is not to suggest that it was boring, or anything like it. If anything, this Fall Festival was as fun as ever. It might have been one of the better attended, best organized Fall Festivals the local Hibernians had ever put on. If you were there, you know what we’re talking about. (And you can take off the silly hat now.)

We have a pile of pictures and a video to help you remember the day. (You can remember something, can’t you?)

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