
Got Time for a Pint? Donate Blood on Sunday!

The man himself, Emmett Ruane.

The man himself, Emmett Ruane.

Remember Emmett’s Place fondly? For that matter, dontcha miss Emmett?

Well, you can get together with one of our best-loved (retired) publicans and his family, and help a good cause at the same time.

Emmett’s son Michael and favorite nephew Sean King are bringing the old gang together (and maybe drafting some new gang members) for a very ambitious American Red Cross blood drive on Sunday from 9 in the morning to 2:30 in the afternoon at the Perzel Center, 2990 St. Vincent St., in Mayfair. It’s the second annual drive, organized in honor of Raj S. Shah, the late husband of one of Michael’s first cousins, Joanne. Shah died of leukemia in 2007.

Last year, the Emmett’s crowd collected 36 pints. It was part of a nationwide effort, including a drive organized by Shah’s wife in Satellite, Florida, and another put together by friends in Austin, Texas, that collected 76 units in total.

Joanne Shah is also running her second annual drive on Sunday.

Michael recalls how much Raj Shah came to depend on the generosity of blood donors. “He was just a great guy,” Michael says. “It was as if he was one of our own family. He had actually been diagnosed with leukemia 17 years before he passed away. He was treated, and his leukemia went into remission for quite a long time. The last year, it came back, and they just couldn’t get it under control again. He received transfusions almost on a daily basis for most of that year.”

In all, 45 people donated at the Philly event last year. Based on early interest, Michael expects to top that this year.

“Facebook has really helped this year,” he said. “We think we’re gonna have more than last year. I have a feeling it’s gonna be a much bigger response.”

Of course, it’s a gathering of friends as well. There’ll be Irish music, and lots of treats, including homemade scones. (Much more than your basic Red Cross doughnuts, for sure.)

So if you have time for a pint, Michael asks, why not drop on by?

Scheduling a time slot is strongly encouraged so the Red Cross can have plenty of staff available to collect donations from everyone who wants to donate. Pick your time slot at the American Red Cross Web site using Sponsor Code 14357. Here’s the Web address:

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