How to Be Irish in Philly

How To Be Irish in Philly This Week

This Tuesday, see a film about two brothers wrongfully hanged for a post-famine murder in Ireland--at the Irish Center.

This Tuesday, see a film about two brothers wrongfully hanged for a post-famine murder in Ireland–at the Irish Center.

The second of several fundraisers for the Irish Center is scheduled for Saturday—wine glass painting with the artists from dish & dabble in Havertown. It starts at 2 PM, but first contact Lisa Maloney to make sure there will be enough wine glasses. Contact her at at

Also on Saturday, the golf outing that benefits the Charlie Dunlop Memorial Fund that was postponed last week takes place at Five Ponds Golf Club in Warminster.

On Saturday night, Slainte—that’s Jamison’s Frank Daly and CJ Mills—will be on stage at the Anglesea Pub in North Wildwood.

On Sunday, the John Byrne Band and the Birmingham Six are appearing at the 9th Street Italian Market in Philly. Yes, it’s Irish flavor day in the land of mozzarella and prosciutto.

On Monday, a special workshop on suicide awareness and prevention is being held at the Irish Immigration Center of Greater Philadelphia in Upper Darby.

On Tuesday, screenwriter and producer Alan Brown will be at the Philadelphia Irish Center to introduce his new short film, The Cormack Brothers, the true story of two Irish brothers wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death in 1858 for the murder of a local Protestant land agent in Loughmore, County Tipperary. Clearly, it is not a comedy.

On Wednesday, catch all of Jamison at the Ed Kelly Amphitheater in Pennypack Park, a very pretty location for an evening concert.

On Thursday, you downashore people can catch The Derry Brigade at the Anglesea Pub in North Wildwood.

Then on Friday, scoot over to Keenan’s (same great New Jersey town) to hear Jamison playing.

A heads up: Performer Frances Black of the famed Black family will be doing a house concert in Philadelphia with her two musical offspring on Saturday, August 1. Book early—there are only 49 seats available in the livingroom of Gabriel Donohue and Marian Makins in Center City. Contact to reserve your place. Admission is $20; everything goes to the artists.

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