How to Be Irish in Philly

How to Be Irish in Philly This Week

Wearing her team on her cheek.

Wearing her team on her cheek.

Irish music and real estate dominate this week’s events in Irish Philadelphia.

Dine and dance on Saturday night at the Irish Center with the Galway Society, holding it’s annual dinner dance featuring the music of the Vince Gallagher Band.

Also on Saturday, Timlin and Kane are performing at Catherine Rooney’s in Wilmington.

On Monday, learn why investing in Irish property is a good business move at a special workshop at The Union League in Philadelphia, sponsored by the Irish American Business Chamber and Network. Pretty sure they’re not going to be talking about thatched cottages, but you never know.

Get your reserves in asap for Irish harper Maire Ni Chathasaigh and English acoustic guitarist Chris Newman who will be doing a house concert on Wednesady in Center City at the home of musicians Gabriel Donohue and Marian Makins. It’s their livingroom, so seats are limited.

The Celtic Tenors will be in nearby Millville, NJ on Thursday at the Levoy Theater.

On Friday, take yourself out to the ballgame. It’s Irish Heritage Night at the Phillies, with lots of Irish musicians and dancers to enliven the evening.

Two local groups are debuting some new material from upcoming albums this week. On Friday, Burning Bridget Cleary will be performing at Steel City Coffee House, a cozy venue in Phoenixville. Then on Saturday, The John Byrne Band will be at another cozy venue, the Tin Angel on Second Street in Philadelphia, playing songs and tunes fresh from the recording studio. Expect a new CD from them come September.

On Sunday, May 18, join the Donegal Association at a fundraiser at the Irish Center to help St. Columba’s Church in Glenswilly, County Donegal, make some much needed repairs. It’s not seen quite as much these days, but it’s been traditional for Irish immigrants to maintain ties with their home parish and to help in fundraising efforts. This is your chance to experience that.

And to all you Irish mammies out there, Happy Mother’s Day!

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