
Gwyneth and Rhys MacArthur’s Most Excellent Saturday Adventure


Gwyneth's favorite picture

Gwyneth’s favorite picture


We put Gwyneth and Rhys MacArthur to work on Saturday wandering the rooms and halls of the Philadelphia Irish Center, doing their best to document everything they saw at the 2014 Philadelphia Ceili Group Festival.

Tough job, we know.

They spent the day shooting photos of face-painted kiddies, talented young bodhran and flute players and singers, sitting in while musicians of all ages banged out jigs and reels, taking in the marvelous dance steps of the Cummins School dancers, and munching on genuine Irish chow.

And then, at the very end of a long, wearying day, a grand finale concert featuring some of the finest Irish musicians on the planet, the singer Sean Keane and a hot young band, FullSet.

You’re wondering where to sign up.

Alas, too late, the festival is over, but Gwyn and Rhys are happy to share their memories.

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