Dance, Music

Saturday Afternoon Fever



If you wanted to be Irish in Philadelphia, Saturday at the Philadelphia Ceili Group Festival was a total immersion experience.

If you are a musician or just plain love Irish music, you could tune up your fiddle and sit in, or take workshops in Irish singing or bodhran playing. You could listen to the young musicians of the Converse Trio Plus One (named after the famous sneakers), the Jameson Sisters, the great Philadelphia Ceili Band, and more.

If you love Irish dance, you could dance until the soles of your shoes wore off at the enthusiastic prompting of John Shields. The Cummins School dancers were on their feet off and on throughout the day.

For the kids there was plenty to do. You could get your face painted—tiger faces were big—or lay your little mitts on a stretchy balloon sword, make St. Brigid’s cross (the adults were in on that, too), or just use the entire wide-open Irish Center as your personal running track.

We’re running out of energy just talking about it. Better to just show you. Here are the pictures.

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