Music, News

Penn’s Landing Irish Festival 2014

Butterfly girl

Butterfly girl

You didn’t have to be Irish to enjoy the Penn’s Landing Irish Festival.

As usual, the festival down by the river drew a diverse crowd, lots of people who were all too happy to be Irish for a day.

And they picked a good day, sunny skies against the scenic backdrop of the Delaware, with pleasure boats bouncing on the rippling water. And also providing visible proof that not all men are hearty sailors, and should definitely wear shirts.

Many of the city’s top Irish bands filled the Great Plaza with music all day.

And, hey, if you wanted to dance, who was going to stop you?

Vendors sold everything from T-shirts to wedding rings, and if you wanted a cheesesteak, a pretzel, an ice cream, or a brew, it wasn’t too hard to find them.

The day started, as it always does, with an outdoor Mass on the grounds of the Irish Memorial at Front and Chestnut.

We captured the day’s festivities with a pretty hefty photo essay.

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