How to Be Irish in Philly

How to Be Irish in Philly This Week (Quarantine Edition)

We’ve got a ways before we can return to the way things were, but for now, many of our favorite musicians are coming up with some socially distanced accommodations.

Up to this point, you’ve only been able to hear them through their Facebook concerts. And some, like Seamus Kelleher, have been doing concerts from their back porch or in parking lots.

But if you’re jonesing for the tunes of your favorite musicians in person, you’ll have to wait till the end of the week.

However, there is one Facebook concert (among the many lately) that you’ll definitely want to catch.

You can listen to Jamison Celtic Rock on Saturday—the full band, for the first time in weeks—streaming live on their Facebook page. They’ll be set up the requisite six feet apart, streaming live from a condo in North Wildwood, and they’ll play your favorite tunes and make you think about better times. The show starts at 5 p.m.

Also this weekend, accordionist John McGillian and guitarist Darin Kelly will be streaming live on Facebook from the Plough & the Stars. The show starts at 4 p.m.

Later in the week, on Friday from 5 to 6:30 p.m., Irish folk musician Diarmuid MacSuibhne will return to the Patio at Be Here Brewing Company, 122 Pennsylvania Avenue in Avondale, to perform for drive-through customers. You can catch his act from the parking lot. And as we’ve mentioned before, and the owners of Be Here are quick to stress, please observe social distancing if you stop to listen.

That’s it for this week, as far as we’ve been able to tell, but there are rumblings of other possible pop-up shows on Facebook. So stay on your toes.

We’ll see ya when we see ya.

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