Podcast: The Ins and Outs of DNA Testing

irishphiladelphia.com’s genealogy maven Lori Lander Murphy returns with another installment of Who’s Your Granny (with occasional editorial comment from her dog Daisy). DNA testing is becoming more popular. There are many DNA testing services, and all employ different methods. Consequently, they may render different results. Some of them are more strongly focused on finding your family history, and some aren’t. If you’re a genealogy beginner, what do you need to know? Lori explains. Jeff:                  Well when it comes to checking out your ancestry, DNA testing is really popular right now. What are the advantages of DNA testing and what exactly does it tell you? Lori:                 Well, probably the primary advantage from a genealogical point of view is that you are going to vastly increase your number of potential matches and ancestors and your family lines. What it can tell you is who your cousins are, who your matches are, where your ethnic origins are. What it can’t tell you all the time is how exactly you match up to these matches. That’s where it becomes a combination of DNA plus good old-fashioned research. I look at DNA as a tool. It’s a very important tool and without it I would … Continue reading Podcast: The Ins and Outs of DNA Testing